Anuário Brasileiro de Hortaliças 2016 - page 52

Sector of leafy green vegetables is set to invest in more sustainable
production systems to reduce losses, especially in the summer
In 2015, main leafy greens
occupied 23.3 thousand
hectares in São Paulo
Brazilian eating habits are getting health-
ier. For this reason, it is believed that the
habit of consuming leafy green vegetables
is on a rising trend across the Country. At
the same time, the production and quality of
these vegetables oscillate quite a lot, as they
depend a lot on weather conditions. “The
annual balance of the meteorological condi-
tions is what, for the most part, determines
the impact upon the results of every leafy
green vegetable”, says Andréia Cristina Silva
Hirata, researcher at the São Paulo Agency of
Agribusiness Technology (Apta), of the State
Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply.
Among the people in São Paulo, for ex-
ample, the cultivation of four types of leafy
greens and flowers occupied 23.3 thousand
hectares in 2015, according to data released
by the Agricultural Economy Institute (IEA).
Most of the area, 11.1 thousand hectares,
was devoted to lettuce. The remaining
portion of the area was devoted to such
vegetables as cabbage (5.9 thousand hect-
ares), cauliflower (2.5 thousand hectares),
Sílvio Ávila
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