Anuário Brasileiro da Maçã 2017 - page 11

Climate conditionswere favorable
he 2016/17 apple crop was
one of the most extraordi-
nary ever harvested, in terms
of quality, since the first ap-
ples trees were planted in
Brazil. This happened because all major ap-
ple growing regions in Brazil were rewarded
and occurrence of hailstorms below histor-
ical average resulted into fruit of excellent
physical and sanitary quality, crispy, juicy,
aromatic and very delicious because of the
balance between the sugar and acidity re-
lation. Furthermore, after the failure expe-
rienced in the previous crop, in 2017 Brazil
will return to its traditional production lev-
els of nearly1.2million tons.
Obviously, such a positive performance
is not just a “gift from Saint Peter”. Apple
farmers did their part by adopting appropri-
ate cultural practices, as well as the essen-
tial techniques on behalf of food safety, pro-
tection of the environment and of the tens
of thousands of collaborators. That is to say,
Once again we did our part with regard to
competitiveness “inside the farmgate”.
Our biggest concern, nonetheless, is
the one that affects all other entrepreneur-
ial sectors across the Country. That is to say,
there is urgent need for the Brazilian econo-
my to resume its growth, surmount unem-
ployment and boost consumption.
All this is possible provided ethics pre-
vails in the public and private sectors,
along with the approval of all essential re-
forms now moving through congress, par-
ticularly labor, social security, political and
tax reforms. Only with such attributes and
initiative we will be competitive also “out-
side the farm gate”, a factor of survival in
times of globalizedmarkets.
We believe will be able to achieve these
targets. It happens because, if on the one
hand the crisis has imposed great challeng-
es on the population, on the other hand it is
undeniable it has also unfolded before us
the opportunity to build a better Country.
The apple farmers believe in Brazil, and will
continue playing their role, investing, gener-
ating jobs and supplying the Brazilians with
apples of genuinely nutraceutic quality.
Em2017 o Brasil retoma seu patamar de produção
In 2017 the Brazil resumes your production level
President of the Brazilian Association of Apple Producers (ABPM)
Anapplecropof excellent
Inor Ag. Assmann
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