Anuário Brasileiro da Maçã 2017 - page 18

Modern processing andwarehousing
hemost of the apple volume
commercialized in Brazil
goes through medium-sized
and large companies estab-
lished in the producing re-
gions, and they equally account for a huge
portion of the rawmaterial. With big invest-
ments, the entrepreneurs offer state-of-the-
art structure, with the most advanced tech-
nologies available at global level, with the
aim to ensure production quality and stan-
dardization of the crop harvested at the
beginning of the year, besides the main-
tenance of the good conditions for an unde-
termined period of time.
The value invested in packing hous-
es and cold storage facilities, according to
the Brazilian Association of Apple Producers
(ABPM), corresponds to about R$ 2.5 billion,
and reaches more than R$ 4 billion is the re-
sources invested in orchards, with insurance
against hailstorms included. At least 300 re-
ceiving, grading and production processing
structures , are operating in the first half of
the year in all major apple producing regions
in South Brazil, while the medium-sized and
large companies, with greater storage capac-
ity,maintains theoffer throughout theyear.
niques, controlled atmosphere with low ox-
ygen and the use of growth regulators, the
sector shows evolution in warehousing un-
der dynamic atmosphere. According to Luiz
Carlos Argenta, researcher with the San-
ta Catarina State Rural Extension and Agri-
cultural Research Company (Epagri), this is
the way to reduce oxygen concentrations to
lower levels than usual and modified in ac-
Sector uses sophisticated
grading and conservation technologies
cordancewith the physiology of the fruit.
The specialist in post-harvest also
comments that a quality database kept
by the sector allows for constant com-
parisons and warning signs in the ware-
housing facility. “There is permanent con-
cern about monitoring this aspect, so
as to commercialize the fruit at the ideal
time, without losing their best consump-
tion conditions”, Argenta observes. The
segments warehousing capacity reach-
es 923,341 tons, say ABPM officials, very
close to the volume produced at every
crop year. A small portion (approximately
15%) is destined for the production of juic-
es, most of which are sold in bulk.
Complex production, industrialization
and commercialization system is what char-
acterized the Brazilian apple supply chain.
It generates wealth for the communities
and states where it is produced through-
out theCountry, besides showing great con-
cern about environmental and social proj-
ects in the locations where it operates. The
high level of the crop is ensured by several
global certifications. The supply chain raked
in revenue of about R$ 2.2 billion in the past
cropyears, while the total amount ofmoney
involved with the area amounts to R$ 6 bil-
lion. It also offers job opportunities and in-
come to 175 thousand people in South Bra-
zil, starting from52 thousand direct jobs.
Inor Ag. Assmann
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