he old saying, “an apple a day
keeps the doctor away” has
been ratified by repeated re-
searchworks, andencourages
the sector to further stimulate
the consumption of the fruit. The potential
health benefits of apples are detected in dif-
ferent ways, for example, contributing to-
wards warding off such diseases as cancer,
diabetes and similar ones, besides their be-
nefic effectson thevoiceandskin.
A study conducted by the Polish university
of Jagiellonian, published by the scientific Eu-
ducesby35%the riskof intestinal cancer”, said
researcher Wieslaw Jedrychowski. This con-
a closewatch on, and comparing, 592 colorec-
At the University of Cornell, in the United
States, the effect of apple extract on breast
tumor cells had been found to prevent these
cells from multiplying. At the site “medici-
nal plants”, agronomic engineer Alessandro
Nogueira, from the State University of Ponta
Grossa, in Paraná maintains that this results
from the so-called phenolic compounds, “a
powerful team of antioxidants, abundantly
present in apples”. He also recommends the
consumptionof theentireapple, considering
that the skin possesses from5 to 10more ac-
In addition, research conducted for sev-
en years by the University of Oxford involv-
ing about 500 Asian people concluded that
high consumption of fresh fruit is associat-
ed with smaller risk of developing diabetes
or early death. The PolytechnicUniversity of
Madrid, in Spain, attested that even apple
Studies reinforce the importance
residue (oxide that results from the produc-
tion of juice) could regenerate bones and
cartilage, if used for such diseases as osteo-
porosis, arthritis or arthrosis.
Among its multiple uses, esthetics is in-
cluded, for example, in facemasks, in amix-
ture that includes milk, wheat flour, and is
supposed to decontaminate the kin, and
used in skin whitening treatments and
even for the elimination of skin spots com-
ing from the aging process and exposure to
the sun. To this end, there would be contri-
bution fromthe substances of the fruit, such
as tannin, vitamin C and malic acid. On the
other hand, the role of apples for a healthy
voice is reiterated by phonoaudiologists,
just likewhat happenedonWorldVoiceDay,
on 11th April 2017, in Chapecó (SC).
On several occasions, at events and in
schools the role of the delicious apple has
been highlighted relative to people’s nutrition
needs and health, a move that is encouraged
by the Brazilian Association of Apple Produc-
ers (ABPM). The institution has even reserved
some space in its blog “Apple is good”, as a re-
minder that relies onmedical researchworks: