Anuário Brasileiro da Maçã 2017 - page 43

More economical, researchwith this
ide by side with the intense
conventional genetic en-
hancement program, the
Santa Catarina State Rural Ex-
tension and Agricultural Re-
searchCompany (Epagri) reinforces themu-
tation work or apple clone selection, with
the purpose to achieve higher resistance to
diseases and improve theappearanceof the
product. Through this technology, the tar-
get consists in seeking spontaneous muta-
tion in the orchards, withminor alterations
in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of the
plant, in a natural manner, followed by the
selection of the best material.
The important thing is that this occurs at
almost no cost, with great support from na-
ture, researcher Ivan Faoro recalls. At the
same time, once the control over the disease
savings, a fact that hasalreadybeencorrobo-
to Glomerella Leaf Spot, as it mostly affects
Gala apples in the summer, and causes the
appleplant to shed its leaves, thus becoming
weaker, which makes production costs soar
ic chemical product for thispurpose.
In pursuit of alternatives by research,
tion costs has been achieved thanks to the
absence of the disease, just taking into con-
sideration only the value of the product used
in the control process. According to him, sav-
ings amounted to R$ 1,300.00 per hectare
and, taking it that all apple farmers in Santa
Catarina cultivated the resistant variety, sav-
ings would amount to about R$ 10 million,
taking into consideration only the period
with thegreatest incidenceof theproblem.
With regard to the appearance, stud-
ies have already confirmed a great improve-
ment in the color of the fruit. Therefore, says
Faoro, besides achieving the goal of protect-
ing theplants against thedisease, itwill also
be possible to meet what the market re-
quires. The most advanced selection, like-
ly to be launched in two years’ time, attests
from 35% to 69% advances in the red area
of the fruit, and 54% to 83% in the increase
of the extra class. The researcher recalls that
tance in question and, finally, he also stress-
es: “The important fact is that we are com-
ing upwith away out for the farmers”.
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