In 2016, the company’s transportation
services soared 7%, despite the crisis
towards theNorth
The expansion of Coastal Shipping
lliance Navigation and Lo-
gistics, leader in coastal
shipping in Brazil (shipping
along the coast, without
crossing any ocean), is con-
fident in the performance of the sector and
hopes to grow from 5% to 7% in 2017. In
2016, transportation serviceswereup7%, in
spite of the economic downturn. In all, 210
thousand containers were moved, 15 thou-
sandmore than in the previous year.
According to Marcus Voloch, gener-
al manager at the Mercosur and Alliance
Coastal Shipping division, the sectors that
grew the most were food, chemicals and
resins, cleaning products, stationery, pack-
ing and construction material. One of the
highlightswas the increase in thenumber of
services in the State of Pará, stemming from
investments in Vila do Conde.
“InMay 2017wewill complete two years
of operations in Pará. Currently, we offer
door to door services for almost all the mu-
nicipalities, through a multimodality sys-
for Amapá, where the clients count on assis-
tance and personalized service”.
According to Otávio Cabral, manager at
Alliance in Manaus, on a weekly basis, the
company operates about 280 TEUs (twen-
ty-foot equivalent unit) at the port in Vila
do Conde, while there is still potential to be
explored. “We feel very comfortable with
coastal shipping along the Amazon River
(our River-Ocean), with its length of about
7,000 km, of which 3,165 kmare in Brazilian
territory”, he explains.
Besides the reduction of costs com-
pared to roadway transport (from 10% to
15%), coastal shipping involves rapidity and
economy through a multimodal
operational plan, result-
ing into sustainable
means of transport, with low CO2 emission.
Now, Alliance counts on dedicated teams
that cover a huge portion of the national
territory, as well as made-to-measure sys-
tems for the particularities of coastal ship-
ping, uniting all the pieces of themultimod-
al transport network.
About 70% of the entire volume trans-
ported by Alliance is “door to door trans-
port”, that is to say, froma consignor’s place
of business to a consignee’s place of busi-
ness. Thepunctuality rateof thesedeliveries
and collections exceeds 95%, as a national
average. For those who use maritime trans-
port, other advantages include traceability
at any point, the integration of the modals
for maximizing the logistics chain, and few-
er cargo damages.
Alliance is the leader in coastal shipping
and its portfolio of clients ranges from rice to
zinc, with big, mediumand small companies
and in almost all market segments, particu-
larly durables. In 2016, revenue amounted
to R$ 3.3 billion derived from 673 thousand
containers. Thecompany is strongly involved
with the foreign trade, with 25 container ves-
sels that follow international travel routes,
comprising nine services. Furthermore, it
also performs bulk transport (fertilizers, ce-
reals, ore). For this purpose, eight vessels
are used, with a capacity that ranges from38
thousand tons to45 thousand tons.