Anuário Brasileiro da Maçã 2017 - page 53

National Gathering on Temperate
he 15th edition of a tradi-
tional and important event
of the sector in the Coun-
try, the National Gathering
on Temperate Climate Fruit
(Enfrute) will occur again in 2017, on July
25 to 27. The forum displays and debates
new production technologies for an ever
more competitive fruit farming business,
with special emphasis on the apple, fea-
turing the latest information on the sub-
ject, at national and international levels.
The venue is the so-called Apple Park, in
Fraiburgo, State of Santa Catarina.
The Santa Catarina State Rural Ex-
tension and Agricultural Research Com-
pany (Epagri), the College of Agriculture
at the University of Alto Vale do Rio do
Peixe (Uniarp), the Municipal Administra-
tion of Fraiburgo and the Brazilian Agri-
cultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)
(through Embrapa Grape and Wine and
Embrapa Temperate Climate, both in Rio
Grande do Sul) are responsible for pro-
moting the event. During the three days,
four main themes will be on the agenda:
productivity/quality, cultivars, phytosani-
tary questions and post-harvest.
International lectures, with representa-
tives of institutions from various countries
will occur simultaneously with the nation-
al exhibitions. The first theme is focused
on apples, on the first day, Stuart Tustion,
from New Zealand, will address produc-
tivity and quality techniques, and Poliana
Francescatto, from the United States, will
focus on floral induction with the use of
growth regulators, while Michael Blanke,
from Germany, will present techniques to
improve the apple fruit red color.
On that same day, José Luiz Petri, from
ject of effective apple tree fructification, and
Wilson Costa Rodrigues, from Pommetec,
and Andrea de Rossi Rufato, from Embra-
pa Grape and Wine, will analyze cultivation
systems. From the same research company,
FernandoJoséHawerrothwill approach the
subject of orchard management under an-
ti-hail screens, on26th July, after the lecture
by Thomas Piou, from France, on orchard
coverage. Renewal strategies for planting
areas will alsobe focusedonby PierreNico-
las Pérès, from the Brazilian Association of
Apple Producers (ABPM); Leandro Bortoluz,
from Proterra, and Albino Bongiolo Neto,
fromcompany Fischer.
Cultivars will be debated during the
second day, featuring the Brazilian experi-
ence with CG and JM rootstocks, by Mateus
Pasa, fromEpagri in São Joaquim, and Gala
clones with resistance to Glomerella Leaf
Spot, by Ivan Dagoberto Faoro, from Epag-
ri, in Caçador. On the last day of the gath-
ering, on phytosanitary, Leonardo Araújo,
fromEpagri inSãoJoaquim,will analyze the
situationof theEuropeanCanker and the re-
vision of Regulatory Instruction nº 20, while
Cheryl Lennox, from South Africa, will focus
his lecture onpost-harvest diseasemanage-
ment through appropriate technologies.
The organizers of the event in Fraibur-
go once again expect the presence of a
big number of producers, technicians, re-
searchers, professors, students and fruit
growing companies, in order to benefit
from this instructive opportunity. In the
previous 14 editions, more than 11 thou-
sand people took part in the debates and
activities, with more than 60 international
lectures and 320 national lectures on ap-
ples and other crops, in different areas of
temperate climate fruit farming.
Inor Ag. Assmann
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