Anuário Brasileiro da Maçã 2017 - page 51

Computerizedwarning systems
instaled in producing areas are important support
measures for keeping apple tree diseases under control
ince the 1980s, apple farm-
ers rely on a warning system
that furnishes details about
the need to start controlling
orchard pests and diseases.
These data are collected in weather stations
and, with the use of mathematical models in
epidemiology, they are processed in order to
anticipate the occurrence of periods favor-
able to fungal infections, as well as the esti-
mated severity and the probable time for the
symptoms to appear. Technicians of the sec-
tor explain that it is a sustainable alternative,
andminimizes theuseof pesticides.
In the pioneer systemdeveloped by the
Santa Catarina State Integrated Agricultur-
al Development Company (Cidasc), back in
the1980s, thewarnings reached thecompa-
nies in hard copies and were aired on radio
stations for the small-scale farmers, recalls
agronomic engineer Albino Bongiolo, of
that State. Nowadays, through technologi-
cal breakthroughs, the farmers are warned
instantly, through their cell phones. Com-
ing fromdifferent researchandextension in-
stitutions, the monitoring and warning sys-
tems evolved greatly with the inclusion of
One of them, created six years ago, is the
“Fruit Fly Warning System”
., coordinat-
ed by Dori Edson Nava, researcher at Em-
brapa Temperate Climate, in Pelotas/RS. It
will gain extra support in the second half of
2017, when it will be extended to the Ser-
ra Gaúcha region and Campos de Cima da
Serra, inapartnershipwithEmbrapaGrape
and Wine. Adalécio Kovaleski, researcher
at this unit who has been dealing with dif-
ferent prevention systems since the 1980s,
recalls theworkdoneback thenby Emater/
RS, the initiative plays a fundamental role,
as the integrated management of pests
and diseases in a macro vision, involving
climate aspects and regional monitoring,
produces better results”.
A conspicuous example, for many years
now, is Agro Warning, a weather radar in op-
eration in Mid-Western Santa Catarina since
1989, that anticipates the detection of hail-
storms and reduces their impact by dis-
persing cloud seeding chemicals, besides
promotingmore investments inorchard cov-
ering structures. Developedby theSantaCa-
tarina State Rural Extension and Agricultur-
al Research Enterprise (Epagri), with support
from other institutions, the present preven-
tion program is available online at (
development of apple tree diseases, based
on information on the environment, the
host plant (apple tree) and the pathogens
(fungal spores present in the orchards), ex-
plains LeonardoAraújo, researcher andPhD
in phytopathology at Epagri in São Joa-
quim. Researchers stress that these technol-
ogies fulfill society’s ever more pressing re-
quirementswith regard to theproductionof
safety, environmental sustainability, health-
care concerns, without mentioning the ad-
vantages derived from the rational use of
pesticides, and cost reductions.
Agricultura levada a sério
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