Anuário da Região Oeste da Bahia - page 23

To the northeast and abroad
The qualified fiber produced in Bahia serves the cotton
ginning factories in the Northeast and abroad. In 2016,
because of tight supply, as much as 55% of the cotton fiber
produced in the West was shipped abroad, whilst in 2017,
up to September, the percentage of lint destined for abroad
is still low, due to problems related to the lack of trucks for
transporting the product to the ports. More than 90% of total
lint exports are shipped through the port of Santos, in São
Paulo, and a small part through the port of Paranaguá, in
Paraná, as well as through the port of Salvador, in Bahia, and
there are plans for channeling most fiber exports through
this port, following the efforts of the Aratu port to adapt
and organize the shipments, and the region is interested in
implementing these shipments. Asian countries are the main
destination for the cotton produced in Bahia.
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