Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2017 - page 75

The IntegratedTobaccoProductionSystem,whichgoesback to thebeginningof the
cultivated, the curing system, processing, besidesmeeting the quality requirements the
“The capillarity of the integrated system, with a technical assistant giving guidance
to groups of farmers, whowere receptive, alongwith individual assistance at the farms,
made all the difference”, SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke recognizes. “Only three
In his view, the transformation process progressed in a dynamics manner thanks
to the integrated system and to the fundamental role of the field staffs. New technol-
ogies surfaced andwere adapted and improved in order to turn the systemmore sus-
tainable and efficient. “It is a sector that has pride in being on the forefront of all tech-
In its
IntegratedTobaccoProductionSystemwas responsible
for the stridesmade by theBrazilianproduct in the
international trade and its steps towards the leadership
nological breakthroughs, inherent to the crop. But
equally with regard to social and environmental
advances”, says Schünke.
Integration has rewarded the sector with rele-
suggesting measures that conquer the productive
or commercial bottlenecks. Therefore, it is not by
thesegmentsof the
all thedifference
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