Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2017 - page 70

For 25 years now, Brazil has consolidated, in hegemonic form, its leadership
in global leaf tobacco exports. Although traditionally discreet, the sector has
good reasons to celebrate the conquest, which has been responsible for rel-
evant strides made by the supply chain in economic, social and environmen-
tal matters. In 2016, 1.15% of the Country’s total revenue derived from exports
came from the shipment of 483 thousand tons of leaf tobacco, representing
revenue of US$ 2.1 billion. It accounts for about 10% of the revenue generated
by the shipments of leaf tobacco from the ports of Rio Grande do Sul, 5.7% in
Santa Catarina and 5.3% in Paraná.
Iro Schünke, president of the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiT-
For an
Brazil consolidates 25 years of hegemony in the
international leaf tobaccomarket and is prepared for
another 25 years of leadership in the sector
abaco), has it that the quality of the Brazilian
crop and its production cost make the differ-
ence in the market. “We fully meet all client
and consumer specifications in the upwards
of 90 countries to which we ship our crop”, he
As one of the high level tobacco exporters
(where the highlight is the Virginia type), Brazil
is followed by India, Zimbabwe and Malawi, and
its biggest clients include Belgium, China, the
United States, Russia and Indonesia. Belgium
occupies a remarkable position in tobacco ex-
ports because it functions as a distribution cen-
ter. Through the port of Antwerp, it re-exports
the product to the European Union and East-
ern Europe. Countries like Germany, Poland and
Russia are relevant buyers at this port.
Segment offers
nd regular supplies
Inor Ag. Assmann
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