One of the research subjects conducted by Embrapa Vegetables is the irrigation of
organic tomato crops focused on the control of diseases and insects. An appropriate
utilization of water tends to reduce the risks of pests, whilst resulting into the produc-
tion of better quality fruits, benefiting the growers and the environment. According
to researcher Marcos Brandão Braga, irrigation frequency, the amount of water and
the manner it is applied interfere with the dissemination of pathogens and in the
colonization process and plant infection, besides affecting, though on a smaller scale,
the occurrence of the pest insects.
“As far as fruit quality and productivity are concerned, water deficiency or excessi-
ve amounts of water have the same harmful effects. Frequently, it is possible to achie-
ve significant increases in productivity and better quality tomatoes by reducing the
amount of water, just by irrigating correctly”, the agronomist explains. Despite being
a practice incorporated with the tomato producing system, the specialist in irrigation
and drainage maintains that irrigation is conducted improperly by most farmers, in
conventional and organic production, both in table and industrial tomato crops.
In all disease fighting fronts, integrat-
ed control is considered to be of funda-
mental importance and has been one of
the challenges of the researchers in the
replacement of conventional tomato
farming, still strongly dependent on pes-
ticides. The system promotes ecology-
friendly production practices intended to
rational use of pesticides, whilst minimiz-
ing their undesirable effects. “To control
a disease does not mean its extermina-
tion as soon as it erupts. All control ef-
forts should be understood as permanent
integrated measures aimed at, preferably,
preventing this disease from erupting
or reaching proportions that result into
huge losses”, Lopes reiterates.