Anuário Brasileiro do Tomate 2016 - page 8

Own light
tomatoesequallydrivetheeconomy indifferent
Some of the most appreciated dishes in the everyday lives of the Brazilians would lose their allure if a sin-
gle tomato – always highly considered –was not available to those who prepare the meals. Readers may con-
sider an array of manners in serving pastas, or pizzas, or any palatable salad. What would be the point in pre-
paring such meals if no tomatoes, with their color and attributes were there?
If this vegetable enjoys such a status in the kitchen and is celebrated on the dining table, as well in the cul-
ture and tradition of so many peoples (the Italians, for example), its role in the field is not much different.
In some countries, tomatoes are a real strategic item, to the extent that the supply of this crop is a business
under the supervision of the government. And Brazil, a country that occupies a solid leadership in the agri-
business production and trade environment, stands as a great player. Large tomato producer, both table and
industrial tomatoes, the Country guarantees quality food, where variety and quantity are on a rising trend.
As it is not just one more fruit, or just one more vegetable, but a star with its own light, Editora Gazeta,
specialized in publications focused on agribusiness, as of 2016 contemplates the sector with an exclusive ti-
tle: Brazilian Tomato Yearbook. With articles in Portuguese and English, and comprising all the links of this
supply chain, the yearbook turns into a differentiated tool in sharing information at home and abroad. We
wish you success in your activities. And, of course, we hope you will enjoy reading this yearbook.
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