The book “Production of tomato for
industrial processing”, published by Em-
brapa Vegetables, points out that social
factors, like lifestyle changes and the
soaring buying power of the Brazilian
population, have contributed towards
the ever-increasing consumption of
processed and industrialized food in the
Country. In the case of the tomato-based
products, the estimated production of
tomatopaste is approximately 247 thou-
sand tons, where the main products are
concentrate juices and sauces.
In 2011, a survey conducted by the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Sta-
tistics (IBGE) ascertained that every per-
son in Brazil consumed 0.665 kilogram
of tomato paste a year. Now, national
demand for tomato derivatives is mostly
concentrated in the states of the South
and Southeast regions. Projections point
to higher increases over the next years,
since domestic consumption is likely to
continueon the rise, althoughonly small
portions of tomato-based food products
are shipped abroad.
The global supply chain of processed to-
mato amounted to upwards of 37 million
tons in 2010, for world parameter purpos-
es, consolidating the chain as one of the
most important agribusiness segments.
Throughout 2016, according to estimates
by the World Processing Tomato Council
(WPTC), the total is supposed to reach up-
wards of 39.3 million tons. The bulk of the
production, close to 97%, is concentrated in
the top 10 producing countries, which ac-
cumulate about 34.1 million tons.
The United States is by far the biggest
producer, with 11.950 million tons in 2016
– and the credit of such result goes main-
ly to the State of Califonia. The list of the
top five biggest processing tomato produc-
ers also includes China, Italy, Spain and Tur-
key. Brazil ranks as eighth on the WPTC list,
with 1.250 million tons, followed by Chile,
with 855 thousand tons.
In all, the difference compared to 2015
is a reduction of 4.8%, with a production de-
cline of 1.982 million tons. However, com-
pared to 2013, the numbers reflect a posi-
tive trend. Over the past three years, despite
the decline anticipated for 2016, in glob-
al terms, the tomato crop increased by up-
wards of 6.3 million tons. According to a re-
port released by the WPTC, global demand
for tomato-based food products has been
rising, especially over the past two decades.
This upward trend is attributed to soar-
ing consumption per person, along with
the population growth over the period. In
the 2012/13 cycle, every person consumed
the equivalent of 5.3 kilograms of tomatoes
in the form of processed products. During
the same period, one out of every person
consumed more than the global average.
Peak demand, of 5.5 kilograms per capita,
was reached from 2009 through 2011, ac-
cording to a survey conducted by the entity.
Currently, the regions where consump-
tion is most dynamic belong to the Nafta bloc
(North American Free Trade Agreement),
signed by the United States, Mexico, Canada
and the European Union. Other promising
regions, as far as the consumption of tomato-
based products goes, are Western Africa and
Mediterranean Africa. The Far East, the Asian
Pacific region, Russia, Central America and
Brazil, likewise, are pointed out as countries
with a potential to leverage even further the
consumption indicators of the sector.
Plain sailing
Conselho Mundial de Processamento de
Tomate (WPTC, da sigla em Inglês).
O tomate industrial classifica-se atualmente
como um dos mais importantes produtos do
agronegócio, tanto em nível nacional como mundial.
A maior parte da produção, cerca de 87%, é
representada por 10 países, sendo que os maiores
produtores são Estados Unidos, China e Itália. O Brasil
aparece na sétima colocação nesse ranking.
In the world
No Mundo
Maiores produtores de tomate
mundiais – projeção 2016
(emmilhões de toneladas)