ational and international con-
sumers are getting increas-
ingly discerning, and themar-
kets are shaped by rules that
define the quality. With an
eye toward a future of new paradigms for
the national and global trade, the Minis-
try of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Sup-
ply (Mapa) sanctioned the rule of Integrat-
ed Rice Production (IRP). The program sets
forth a productive and industrial model
based on sustainable agricultural practic-
es, which will be audited and will be grant-
ed the conformity seal (Brazil Certified) of
the National Institute of Metrology, Stan-
dardization and Industrial Quality (Inmet-
ro), globally acknowledged.
The Specific Technical Standards (STS)
were published in late 2016, after a peri-
od of 14 years of studies. The coordina-
tor is researcher Maria Laura Turino Mat-
tos, from Embrapa Temperate Climate, in
Pelotas (RS), in charge of preparing the
capacity building courses for producers,
industries and auditors for 2017. Adhe-
sion is voluntary, but in the pilot-training
sessions more than 300 rice farmers from
Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and To-
cantins took part.
According to Maria Laura, the standard
establishes patterns to a unique cereal,
with higher visibility and added value, be-
sides adjusting the productive system to
legislation in force. The program improves
the competitiveness of Brazilian rice be-
cause it complies with good agricultural,
environmental and social practices, be-
sides its conformity seal, traceability and
The perspective is for the cereal to reach a higher position in the foreign market
of Rio Grande do Sul (Federarroz), consid-
ered theproposal very appropriate. “There
are farmers who already take part in a pi-
lot-project and he takes it that the Inmet-
ro Seal may pave the way for a chance to
supply more discerningmarkets, whilst at-
tracting better prices”, he explains. Within
this context, he understands that the pro-
posal is attractive, but requires time and a
deeper analysis if it is to be consolidated.
Researcher Maria Laura Turino Mattos
emphasizes that the ITP is a modern sys-
tem, based on good agricultural practic-
es, recommended by Brazilian legislation
and research institutions. She comments
that it does not create legislations, but
uses the existing ones so as to comply with
the mandatory requisites contained in the
STS Rice. “The IRP generates demands to
research, as it has to be supplied by tech-
nology that gives priority to natural regu-
latingmechanisms in Integrated Pest Man-
agement (IPM). Furthermore, it complies
with practices that are in harmony with
the pillars of the Low Carbon Agriculture
Program”, she concludes.
assurance of its appropriateness and in-
tegrity. “This could consolidate the image
of the Country as a supplier of safe food
of high quality, produced in sustainable
manner, which makes a difference in the
market”, she summarizes.
At a meeting of the Rice Sectoral Cham-
ber, in February 2017, in Cachoeirinha (RS),
the standards were presented to the sup-
ply chain, invited to adhere to the pro-
gram. Producers took it as a step forward,
but the industry was reluctant with regard
to the costs. “For the industry to absorb the
costs, it has to pass themon to the consum-
ers. Therefore, there is need to check if the
market is willing to pay for them”, says An-
dré Barreto, vice-president of the Brazilian
Association of Rice Industries (Abiarroz).
Alexandre Velho, vice-president of the
Associationof the RiceGrowers Federation
To farmers
* Rationalization of the use of inputs;
* Reduction of production costs;
* Reduction of environmental risks;
* Responsible use of water and edaphic resources.
To Consumers
* Assurance of safe and high quality food;
* Residue rates in accordancewith Brazilian and international standards;
* Traceability and certification of production and post-harvest processes.
To the industry
* Added value;
* Competitiveness;
* Visibility;
* Conquest of, and permanence in discerningmarkets.