Anuário Brasileiro do Arroz 2017 - page 85

Tamillys Cientielly de Lellis Albernaz
Luz, analyst of the technology transfer cen-
ter at Embrapa Rice and Beans, maintains
that the success of the Campaign that At-
tests to the Value of Consuming Rice and
Beans depends on the consent and en-
gagement of other institutions. The analyst
explains that, although the adhesion to the
project is free, the effective participation
of the Sectoral Chambers of the Rice and
try of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Sup-
ply (Mapa), plays aprimordial role.
“Once in possession of the statisti-
cal data of the nine states, a global analy-
sis will be performed, identifying aspects
that deserve tobe treated if the goal of the
campaign is to be achieved”, she explains.
Although no definition has been reached
as to how it will function, the entire work
will be monitored, probably by a commit-
tee indicated by the partner companies.
The intention, according to the analyst, is
that any information coming from public-
ity initiatives should rely on scientific sup-
port and should highlight the nutritional
and functional traits of rice and beans to
keep themat adequate levels in thediet of
the Brazilian population.
“The last stage of the campaign will
consist in keeping consumers and the
agents of the supply chain abreast of the
points considered to be important, at the
discretion of every institution involved.
The decision as to where, when and how
give publicity to the points in question
is up to every partner company. There-
fore, there is no such thing as one financ-
ing source”, she stresses. Tamillys, who is
also the technician responsible for the re-
search, emphasizes that the companies
will be free to use their own resources, or
seek financial support, work in isolationor
in groups and gear their publications to-
wards to the public and desired location.
Later and beyond
he Ministry of Health has come
up with statistics that corrob-
orate the various health prob-
lems faced by the Brazilian
population, like high rates of
obesity, high blood pressure and diabe-
tes. To cope with these challenges, which
equally affect children and adolescents, in-
stitutions like the Sectoral Chambers of the
Rice and Beans Supply Chains are now en-
gaged in a Campaign that Attests to the Val-
ue of Consuming Rice and Beans, clearly
intended to boost consumption of the two
cereals by the Brazilian population.
The initiative stems from the presup-
position that something has to be done
to identify eating habits and make the
consumers come to grips with these ce-
reals, their nutritional and functional val-
sity of Goiás (Cippal), the Federal Univer-
sity of Goiás (UFG), Camil Alimentos and
the Regional Agronomy and Engineering
Council in Goiás (Crea-GO). The survey was
conducted from January 30 to February 3,
2017, covering several sales points in Goiâ-
nia and Aparecida de Goiânia.
According to Ferreira, souvenirs hand-
ed out to the interviewees included per-
sonalized satchels with calendars and fold-
ers containing recipes based on rice and
beans, besides messages praising the val-
ue of the grains: “Beans, the representa-
tion of the Brazilian people in the form of
grains” and “Rice, protagonist at the Brazil-
ian dinner table”. “This action was aimed
at identifying the need for adjustments to
the works carried out so far, in an attempt
to achieve results as precise as possible in
the national stage”, he clarifies. The next
step consists in a survey of the consumers
in the capital cities of the States of Alagoas,
Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Per-
nambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catari-
na, São Paulo and Tocantins.
ues. On the grounds of this diagnosis, the
idea is to produce customized informa-
tion on these two kernels and later dis-
seminate them throughout the Country.
“It is not a matter of increasing per capita
consumption, but the idea is to keep con-
sumption at the present levels, that is to
say, prevent these cereals from being re-
placed with other types of food, especial-
ly the ones that cause the diseases that af-
fect the Brazilian people”, explains Carlos
Magri Ferreira, one of the technicians in
charge of the Embrapa project.
The first initiative of the project was
a pilot phase of surveys of the consum-
ers in the metropolitan region in Goiânia.
This stage was conducted through a part-
nership with the Junior Company of the
Agronomy College at the Federal Univer-
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