eal time communication, day af-
ter day, undertakes new func-
tions. Specifically in the rural
setting, it turned into an essen-
tial tool for agricultural devel-
opment. Within this context, as a strategic
intelligence system, the Coffee Observa-
tory was developed by Embrapa Coffee in
2014. The tool aims to collect, analyze and
disseminate, systematically, technical-sci-
entific publications of the Coffee Research
Consortium, statistical data of the sector,
information on production, consumption
and export trends.
According toanalyst JamilsenSantos, su-
pervisor of Technology Transference at Em-
brapa Coffee, the online structure also aims
towarn about opportunities and threats, na-
tional and international scenarios and pos-
sible trajectories of the innovation process.
Furthermore, it features results of research
works carried out by member institutions of
the consortium and their interfaces and im-
plications with the coffee agribusiness, be-
sides subsidizing public policies and deci-
sions takenby several agentsof the sector.
“With the initiative, Embrapa Coffee is a
pioneer in storing in the Coffee Observato-
ry the collection of data and official infor-
mation fromofficial government and inter-
government organs, private entities that
represent the coffee sector and research
institutions, training and extension, that
make it possible to keep a close watch on
the main coffee agribusiness indicators at
global level”, the researcher ponders. Sys-
tematically, the channel equally produces
subjects of technical-scientific content, in
the analyses and releases format, distribut-
ed to our national media.
Santos recalls that in 2016, for ex-
ample, some 100 analyses and releases
were produced and disseminated. With a
technical-scientific content, these releas-
es were sent to a mailing list of approxi-
mately 40 thousand recipients, which in-
clude all major communication vehicles
in the Country, besides vehicles special-
ized in coffee farming. “In this year, the
portal site of the Coffee Research Consor-
tium had upwards of 120 thousand ac-
cesses. At the end of each month, these
topics and analyses are grouped and also
made available at the clipping of the Cof-
fee Observatory”, he explains.
Indispensable tool
Analyst Jamilsen Santos, supervisor of the Technology Transference Department at Embrapa Coffee, maintains that, in the
range of coffee-related research, the continued observation of the indicators of the productive sector promoted by the Coffee
Observatory is indispensable. “The tool prospects technological scenarios, guides the Coffee Research Program and, conse-
quently, makes it possible for the institutions of the Coffee Research Consortium to do the necessary structural changes in no
time and, still, see to the emergent emerging needs of society”, he clarifies.
Information and analyses of the Coffee Observatory (
are organized by groups of data
and strategic coffee agribusiness information, in the following sections: Global Scenario, Crops and Stocks, Consumption and
Trends, Statistics, Prices and Analyses; Clipping, Images, Videos and Audios; Coffee Social Network, Coffee Science Magazine, Ac-
tivities Reports, Publications on Technology, and Brazilian Coffee Information System (SBICafé).
Technical dissemination is the purpose of the system coordinated by Embrapa Coffee
Sílvio Ávila