and resistance
Analyst Jamilsen Santos, Tech-
nology Transference supervisor at
Embrapa Coffee, has it that the Ara-
ra technology, known for its produc-
tion superiority, vigor and quality in
several regions throughout the cof-
fee growing hub. Asa Branca is a culti-
var that equally excels in productivity,
and is recommended for dry regions,
where warm temperatures predom-
inate. The cultivars of the Catucaí
group (Catucaí Amarelo 2SL, Catucaí
Amarelo 20/15 cv 479, Catucaí Ama-
relo 24/137) are moderately resistant
to coffee leaf rust, meaning that the
plants may get infected, but damag-
es, in general, are negligible.
According to Santos, another cul-
tivar developed by the Pro-Coffee
Foundation is known as Catucaiama
785/15, with good productivity, mod-
erate resistance to rust and nematode
M. exigua. “Its plants are low and vig-
orous, with big pods and early matu-
ration, and do not pose serious densi-
ty problems in high density plantings”,
he explains. Furthermore, a cultivar
also available to the farmers is called
Sabiá Tardio, and it matures late, has
small seeds, moderate resistance to
coffee leaf rust and very highly produc-
tive. Especially during the first three
years. More information on the seed-
lings can be ordered by e-mail pether-
and by
telephone (35) 9 9967 3344.
20/15 cv 479, Catucaí Amarelo 24/137, Ca-
tucaiama 785/15 and Sabiá. “The cultivars
have to be previously ordered so that de-
livery takes place at the most appropriate
planting time, especially at the beginning
of the rainy season”, he notes.
Besides the desirable genetic traits of
each cultivar, the researcher maintains
that the sanitary status of the seedlings is
a factor of impressive importance for the
renewal of the coffee park. “Specific cares
and treatment techniques should be en-
acted to prevent pests and diseases from
infesting the seedlings, as well as to avoid
any imbalance between the aerial part
of the plants and the root systems, which
is essential for the plants to start grow-
ing and for the initial development of the
young plants in the field”, he recommends.
“As a matter of fact, the seedlings should
be of superior quality, with an appropriate
stem diameter, well developed root sys-
tem, healthy leaves and proper size”.
The main positive attributes and ag-
ronomic characteristics of these cultivars
are described in the technology portfolio
Arabica coffee cultivars are
recommended for different
regions across Brazil
of the Coffee Research Consortium, coor-
dinated by Embrapa Coffee. Acauã, for ex-
ample, is recommended for dry regions,
for areas infestedwith the nematodeM. Ex-
igua and for regionswhere there is need for
keeping the problem of rust under control.
“As it is a new cultivar, it is recommended
to plant it on a small scale, so as to evalu-
ate its behavior in the new region”, Ferreira
ponders. As to the Acauã Novo, it is recom-
mended for regions where mild tempera-
tures prevail, like in in the southern region
of Minas Gerais.