The land of coffee
The main agricultural activity in Minas Gerais is cof-
fee,withsocial, economicandenvironmental reflections.
Now, the State produces more than 50% of the Brazilian
coffee crop. Judging from the estimates by the National
Food Supply Agency (Conab), in its first survey in 2017,
the coffee crop in Brazil could reach 47.51 million 60-kg
sacks of processed coffee, and Minas Gerais alone will
harvest an estimated crop of 26.81million sacks.
The production area is calculated at 977.44 thou-
sand hectares and the average productivity in the State
is projected to reach 27.43 sacks per hectare. Research-
er Anísio José Diniz, fromEmbrapa Coffee’s Technology
Transference Division, sees the result as a reflection of
the introduction of recently created technologies, and
the dedication of the coffee farmers in Minas Gerais,
with the direct or indirect participation of research,
training and extension institutions, members of the Cof-
fee Research Consortium.
Research results are disseminated
through technical publications
Com tecnologia Selgron,
toda safra traz bons resultados.
1ª Full Color do Brasil. Até 16 milhões
de combinações de cores
Qualidade Full HD que processa
até 20 mil fotos por segundo
Alta produtividade e definição
de cores com precisão
Flexibilidade, bandejas com
configurações independentes
Simples e prática de operar
Iluminação com LED e baixo
consumo de energia e ar comprimido