Anuário Brasileiro do Gado de Leite 2016 - page 21

Critical point
Dairy segment in the world is going through a prolonged crisis,
with low prices stemming from an imbalance between offer anddemand
mento geral de produção no mundo, com
situação favorável, sendo por isso considera-
da mais severa do que a anterior.
Mesmo assim, previsões existentes in-
dicam que ainda deve haver aumento pro-
dutivo de leite de vaca em 2016 no mundo.
A Embrapa cita estimativa de 2%, enquan-
to a Companhia Nacional de Abastecimen-
to (Conab), com base em projeções de or-
ganismos internacionais, aponta 1,4% em
16 países/blocos produtores, que já teriam
tido acréscimo de 1,2% em 2015. Os prin-
cipais exportadores (Nova Zelândia, União
Europeia, Estados Unidos, Austrália e Ar-
gentina), no entanto, cresceriam um pou-
co menos (0,8 a 0,9%), mas os EUA pode-
riam ampliar em 2%.
Os norte-americanos, se considerados
somente países e não blocos, lideram a
produção mundial de leite de vaca. E, con-
forme avaliações feitas, preços menores
ainda sustentariam suas margens e a maior
produção, assim como a demanda interna
firme. Já levando em conta a União Euro-
peia, esta fica na liderança. Em termos ape-
nas de países, o Brasil ocupa a quarta po-
sição mundial, enquanto no outro ranking
fica em quinto lugar. Ainda em nível mun-
dial, pesquisas da Conab, em março de
2016, confirmam estimativa de manuten-
ção da pressão baixista dos preços das
commodities lácteas, mas apontam possí-
vel recuperação no segundo semestre.
In a scenario of low international prices,
the global dairy sector is going through one
of its longest crises in its recent history. This
was the conclusion drawn by the socioeco-
nomic team at Embrapa Dairy Cattle, in April
2016. Based on the International Farm Com-
parison Network (IFCN), themembers of the
team observe a downtrend in farm gate pric-
es for 9 months in a row, with no indications
in sight for a change in this trend. The blame
goes to an increase in production following a
period of attractive remuneration; however,
the present critical moment is not supposed
to curb the oversupply trend.
For a forecast of the continuity of the cri-
sis, Embrapa analysts take into account the
influence of the productive growth under-
way in Europe, due to the end of the quota
system in the European Union (EU), in April
2015. The increase is estimated at 2.4% in
the first quarter in 2016, in comparison with
the same period in the previous year. They
also mention the interference of such factors
as the depreciation of the national curren-
cies against the dollar and China’s economic
slowdown, once this country is a relevant im-
porter. Its smaller demand is believed to have
affected international trade in 2015.
Lorildo Stock, one of the team members
and Brazilian collaborator at the IFCN, in-
ternational network of studies on milk pro-
duction systems and the economy of the
sector, comments that 2015 witnessed the
third crisis in nine years. The two most se-
rious crises were registered in 2009 and
2015, with average prices below US$ 30
for 100 kilograms, following years of prices
above historical averages, of US$ 40/100 ki-
lograms. The last crisis erupted after a gen-
eral production increase in the world, when
conditions were unfavorable, and is, there-
fore, more severe than the previous one.
Even so, predictions point to further milk
production increases throughout 2016 in
the world. Embrapa estimates a 2 percent in-
crease, whilst the National Food Supply Agen-
cy (Conab), on the grounds of projections re-
leased by international organs, points to 1.4%
in 16 producing countries/blocs, which are
supposed to have had an increase of 1.2% in
2015. The main exporters (New Zealand, the
European Union, the United States, Australia
and Argentina), nevertheless, were supposed
to experience a smaller growth rate (0.8 to
0.9%), but the United States could experience
a rise of 2% in production.
The North-American countries, if only na-
tions are considered and not blocs, lead the
global production of bovine milk. And, ac-
cording to evaluations, smaller prices would
still sustain the margins and higher produc-
tion, just like stable domestic demand. How-
ever, taking into consideration the European
Union, it occupies the leading position. Just
in terms of countries, Brazil comes as fourth
biggest global producer, whilst in the previ-
ous ranking it occupies the fifth position.
Equally, at global level, Conab surveys, re-
leased in March 2016, confirm the perspec-
tive of a continuity of the low prices of the
dairy commodities, but suggest a possible re-
covery in the second half of the year.
IBGE-Mapa/Embrapa (dados Brasil), USDA/FAS e OECD/
FAO (outros 15 países/blocos) – Referente a 2014 – Conab.
1. UE (28)
2. Estados Unidos
3. Índia
4. China
5. Brasil
Total 16 selecionados
FAO/IBGE – Dados 2013 – Intelactus/Embrapa
Gado de Leite.
Global panorama
Principais produtores de leite
de vaca (Em toneladas)
1. Estados Unidos
2. Índia
3. China
4. Brasil
5. Alemanha
Total geral
1...,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,...34
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