Agribusiness in
generates income
and jobs, providing
the pillars for its
Western Bahia achieved its development over the past
years through the implementation and adhesion to modern
agribusiness in huge commercial farms
spread across the cerrado areas of the re-
gion. The numbers of the current decade
continue reaffirming the relevant role of
the sector in the generation of jobs, in-
come and taxes geared towards the devel-
opment of the local communities and, to
this end, capturing attention to its value,
so as to keep the conditions for permanent, solid and com-
prehensive expansion.
Themunicipalities of the region that excel in agribusiness
Municipalities that
standout inthe
sectorare leaders
intax collections
are, by coincidence, the ones that show the
most representativenumbers in theGross Do-
mestic Product (GDP) and, as a consequence,
in tax collection. The most recent GDP fig-
ures, released by the Brazilian Institute of Ge-
ography and Statistics (IBGE), relative to 2014,
show an expressive regional growth com-
pared to 2010, reaching 93% in Western Ba-
hia and value higher than R$ 18 billion. In the
meantime, compared to 2017, the population
went up by 12%, to upwards of one million
people in 39municipalities.
The GDP in the five leadingmunicipalities in
Vespasiano Neves/VESPA