Anuário da Região Oeste da Bahia - page 60

Fighting for
better roads
Farmers of the region
are in the forefront of
road infrastructure
works, with the aimto
ensure appropriate
crop transportation
The organization of the rural producers in Western Bahia
has a say in the improvement of the roadways of the region,
with their own initiatives, in connection
with the government. In light of the enor-
mous difficulties experienced by the sec-
tor, with regard to the development of
regional agribusiness, the farmers have
kept mobilized and taken the leadership
in the constant pursuit of solutions for
the transportation of their products. Be-
sides constantly fighting for repair works
along the three federal roadways that cross the region, they
Nearly 600
roads intheWest
are serviced
directly act towards repairing both federal,
state and municipal roads, and achieve ex-
pressive results on that score.
Recently, nearly 600 kilometers of roads
across the region have been the target of in-
frastructure works, according to a survey by
the Bahia Association of Farmers and Irriga-
tors (Aiba).
The entity runs the Agriculture and Live-
stock Development Program (Prodeagro),
which collects resources from the rural pro-
ducers and destines themparticularly to this
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