With Prodeagro
Prodeagrowas created in the region back in 2013, and consists
in a public/private partnership involving Aiba and the Secretariats
of Agriculture (Seagri) and Infrastructure (Seinfra) of the State. Its
funds come fromthe farmers themselves, as part of the tax credits
towhich they are entitled to, and the application of these funds are
destined expressively for infrastructureworks, besides technological
modernization and the development of socioeconomic and
environmental programs. The president of Aiba, Celestino Zanella, in
the 2017-18 biennial term, is the head of the Administrative Council, in
a partnershipwith Abapa andBahia Foundation.
The roadway infrastructure is granted the biggest amount of the
funds of the program, stress Aiba officials, with the perspective of
freight cost reduction in the value of the crop and access to far away
communities, making their development equally possible, besides
economic, social and environmental gainswith these and other
projects. Because of the high volume involved, it nowaccounts for
the bulk of investmentsmade in the region under the coordination
of the farmers’ entity, which comprises upwards of 1,300 associate
members and has always actedwith the definite purpose of turning
the sectormore competitive and the regionmore developed.
purpose, relying on support from the Mechanized Patrol
that was created by the Bahia Association of Cotton Pro-
ducers (Abapa), which was further reinforced in 2017 with
extra machinery.
Several vicinal roads took advantage of this initiative and
benefited from repair works that make traffic flow smoothly
throughout 2017, facilitating the connections between com-
munities and municipalities across the region. According to
Luiz Stahlker, agribusiness advisor to Aiba and coordinator of
the initiatives, services have been performed along 245 kilo-
meters of these unpaved roads, in addition to 47 kilometers
in the so-called Soybean Ring, state roadway that connects
Barreiras, Formosa do Rio Preto and Luís Eduardo Magalhães,
where a partnershipwith the statewas signed.
The Pot-Hole Repair Operation, which comprises a diverse
number of state roads in the region, amounting to around 300
initiative established for its third step. Furthermore, bridges
are being projected and built in several locations along the re-
gional roads. In all, theseworks require investments of around
R$ 15 million, the biggest portion applied on vicinal connec-
tions, improving the crop transportation conditions and the
competitiveness of the huge regional production.
Aiba/Outubro 2017
investments in infrastructure
Obras emestradas na RegiãoOeste da Bahia (Aiba – Prodeagro)
Garganta (Formosa do Ribeirão Preto)
Recuperação de 59 km, com
reconstrução do sistema de
drenagem e plataforma de rodagem
Recuperação de cerca de 60 km,
30 km com erguimento do leito e
aplicação de cascalho
Campo Grande/Serra Canápolis
Recuperação de 70 km, com obras na
plataforma de rodagem e sistema
de drenagem
Anel da Soja (Bar./FRP/LEM)
Recuperação de 47 km de rodovias,
com reciclagem das camadas do
pavimento e Tratamento Superficial
Simples (TSS)
Estrada da Soja (S. Desidério)
Recuperação de 56 km, com
erguimento, cascalhamento e
reconstrução do sistema de drenagem
Serra da Floryl (Jaborandi)
Elevação da base de aterro com
cascalho e aplicação de asfalto
Concreto Betuminoso Usinado a
Quente (CBUQ) em ligação de
1.200 metros da serra à BR-020
Operação Tapa-Buraco II
Ação em cerca de 300 km de rodovias da
região (BA-447, 459, 460, 463), com
serviços de limpeza, aplicação de massa
asfáltica e compactação
Operação Tapa-Buraco III
Recuperação prevista em cerca de
200 km de rodovias estaduais na região