Anuário Brasileiro da Soja 2017 - page 64

SouthernBrazilian States account for the biggest portion of soybean oil
exported by the Country. Paraná’s share amounted to 537.787 thousand tons
andUS$ 385.416million in 2016. It was followed by the shipments of 285.771
thousand tons andUS$ 198.051million fromRioGrande do Sul. MatoGosso
ranked as third biggest exporter, with 195.156 thousand tons andUS$ 144.393
million. The total amount shipped abroad came from15 states in 2016.
he domestic market absorbs a
great part of the soybean oil pro-
duced in the Country. The expec-
tation is for production to be lev-
eragedby the rising supply of the
kernel and the demand for Biodiesel. The
Brazilian VegetableOil Industries Association
oil for 2017 and 2018. The supply is estimat-
edat 8.2million tons, up2.3%fromthe7.885
million tons produced in 2016. A volume of
8.5 million tons is projected for 2018, equiv-
alent to an additional 3.7%. The anticipated
results outstrip the last record, of 8.074 mil-
lion tons, achieved in2015.
A total of 3.832 million tons had been
produced from January to August 2017.
Abiove anticipates a domestic consump-
tion of 7 million tons of soy oil in 2017, up
6.4%. Of this total, 3.106 million tons have
already been absorbed by the domestic
market, over the first eight months of the
year. Considering the first half of 2017, the
highest monthly average, R$ 2,937,50 per
ton of oil, was achieved in January, accord-
Domestic consumption of oil should go up 6.4%, favoredby biodiesel
of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Food Supply (Mapa). The volume anticipat-
ed for 2017 represents an increase of 3.4%
compared to the shipment of 1.254 mil-
lion tons in the previous year. Over the past
years, from 2010 to 2016, Brazilian soybean
oil exports dropped 15.6% in volume.
Soybean oil produced in Brazil was
shipped to 54 countries in 2016. The main
clients of this byproduct were India andChi-
na, with respective amounts of 544.450
thousand tons and 247.377 thousand tons.
In the sequence come Algeria (127.544
thousand tons), Bangladesh (74.642 thou-
sand tons) and Iran (51thousand tons).
Abiove’s idea is to continue its efforts to
increase the exports of the soybean com-
plex to Asian countries. SouthKorea, Myan-
mar,MalaysiaandVietnamare targetsof the
Brazilian exporters. However, the access to
these countries is difficult due to high im-
port tariffs on processed soybean.
ing to data released by Abiove. The inter-
nal purchases for the production of bio-
diesel weremore competitive, according to
an analysis by the Center for Applied Stud-
ies on Advanced Economics (Cepea), of the
Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Es-
alq), a division of the São Paulo State Uni-
versity (USP). Nonetheless, higher aver-
ages, of up to R$ 3,266 (November), were
achieved fromAugust to December 2016.
In 2017, soybean oil exports could reach
1.3 million tons, and US$ 962 million, ac-
cording toprojectionsbyAbiove. Shipments
have already amounted to 1.053 million
tons and US$ 800.780 million from January
to August 2017, according to numbers fur-
nished by the Agrostat System, a division
Inor Ag. Assmann
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