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Themain rawmaterial in themanufactureof biodiesel still is soybeanoil,witha share
of 75.7%in2016. Bovine tallowcontributeswith15.4%andcottonoil,with1.1%. From
2008 to2016, theuseof soybeanoil for theproductionof biodiesel jumped from0.8
million tons to2.7million tons, up220%over theperiod. The sector is equallybettingon
biodiesel for expanding theprocessingplantsof thekernel,whichgenerates extravalue
through thegenerationof soybeanoil andsoybeanmeal.
fuel (PNPB) was implemented, until De-
cember 2016, some 25 billion liters were
produced. Brazil ranks as second biggest
producer and consumer of biodiesel in the
world. The United States comes first. The
third position in the ranking is occupied by
Germany, and the fourth, by Argentina.
The manufacture of biodiesel could ex-
ceed the 25 billion liters anticipated for 2017
and in the coming years, too, if the blending
percentages were anticipated, according
to sources from Ubrabio, the Brazilian Veg-
etable Oil Industries Association (Abiove)
and the Association of Biodiesel Producers
(Aprobio). The approval of Law nº 13.263,
in 2016, was viewed as an important step
forward by the above associations. This
Law set forth an increase of the mandato-
ry blending of biodiesel to diesel from 7%
to 8% in 2017, 9% in 2018 and 10%by 2019.
It also authorized the National Energy Poli-
cy Council (CNPE) to raise the mandatory
blending to 15%, should tests validate this
percentage in vehicles and engines.
In the evaluation of Abiove officials, the
anticipation projected by the Law antici-
pates great integration between biodies-
el and the soybean complex, provided all
challenges in the area of taxes and logistics
are surmounted. In July 2017, the above
entities advocated the need to anticipate
the B10 to March 2018. They also anticipat-
ed that the adoptionof theB10 couldmake
the production of biodiesel soar to 5.3 bil-
lion liters in 2018. The adoption of the B10
would also generate 20 thousand new jobs
in the supply chain of the oilseed and bio-
diesel. “The Country would save US$ 3.2
billion in international revenue with the re-
placement of a volume equivalent to im-
ported diesel”, adds Daniel Furlan Amaral,
economymanager at Abiove.
Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE).
in the pump
Óleo de soja utilizado para
produção de biodiesel
Milhões de toneladas
Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE).
Participação de matérias-primas
para a produção de biodiesel
em 2016
Óleo de soja
Gordura bovina
Óleo de algodão