Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 102

he experimental course “Entrepreneurship in Multi-
-Purpose Agriculture – Rural Management”, promoted
by the Growing-Up Right Institute, is welcome by the
communities. Student Vanessa Ferreira Beise, 18, says
that shehasbegun toconsider the rural settingas apla-
ce where it is possible to earn a living and lead a good life. She be-
longs to one of the groups now attending the course in Candelária.
“Now, I want to study agronomy, insteadof physical education, whi-
ch I was considering before I started the course”, says the girl who
concluded high school in 2015.
She and her classmate Jonathan Souza, 17, comment that the
manner the lessons are given make it easy to understand the sub-
ject and provide for the exchange of experiences between the stu-
dents and the popular educator. Jonathan is also in his first high
school year at State School Bragatti Lepage, in Candelária. “The les-
sons on the project are helping me with overcoming my shyness,
and are improvingmy relationshipwithmy parents”, he comments.
He says he intends to continue earning a living from agriculture be-
causehe has discovered that the activity offers lots of opportunities.
“The rural setting does not develop if the community is not united.
Without the rural setting, the cities will not survive”, he notes. His
family produce tobacco and other subsistence crops.
The social educator of the group is Cristiana Rehbein, 25, with
a degree in Rural Education from the Federal University of Pelotas
(UFPel). She opted for rural education and work because she be-
lieved that “the countryside is eager for adifferent look”. Inher opin-
ion, young rural peopledonot have the sameopportunities thanur-
ban people. “In a short time, the students showgreat evolution and
show interest in developing the countryside where they live”, she
observes. She adds that she has learned a lot with the students. The
main activity of her family now is the production of milk.
Other educators in the program are Bruna Ferreira Silva (Vera Cruz), Ana Paula Justen
(Venâncio Aires) and Graciele Pinton (Vale do Sol). In order to implement the activities in
the respectivemunicipalities, theSindiTabaco reliedonapartnershipwith themayors,mu-
nicipal education secretariats and the 6th Regional Education Coordination Department
(6thCRE).Themunicipal administrations signedagreements providing for the venues of the
classes, food and student transportation.
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