Child labor isstill areality in
Brazil, especially intherural
setting. There isnouse just insisting
onwhatmustnotbedone; there is
needto findroutes, offeralternatives
andcreatechances for choices.
This is thegreat targetof therural
management coursesofferedby the
Growing-UpRight Institute
Friday, totaling 920 hours. The adolescents of the pro-
gram are hired as young apprentices and receive remu-
neration equivalent to 20 hours a week, besides a certi-
fication and other rights set forth by learning legislation.
The young are hired through a quota system by the com-
panies associated to the Institute. Although being linked
to the companies, the entire hour load is fulfilled at the
learning institution, in the shift opposite to regular school
hours. The educational purpose is focused on the devel-
opment of multi-purpose agriculture entrepreneurs, who
plan and manage a rural holding.
Schünke comments that the shortage of rural schools
is a challenging problem in the rural setting. Along with
the problem of drugs and idleness, the result is a cultur-
al stance that places little value on work and encourag-
es children and adolescents to engage in activities inade-
quate for their age. “We need public policies to strengthen
the schools in the countryside, seeking alternatives for the
young under the age of 18. Just like the problem, the so-
lution is even more complex, but within reach”, he says.
Fotos: Divulgação