Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 95

Expoagro Afubra’s central theme will be present at forums and meetings of exhibitors, presenting the forestry market in the
form of several products, like energy, timber, cellulose, food, resins and forest essentials.
Besides the specific programs focused on forestry, the fair also features the traditional programs, like machinery, courses, lec-
tures, animals, agroindustries, among others. “The idea is to offer a set of strategic information to farmers that visit the fair in
search of knowledge and crop diversification”, says Marco Antonio Dornelles.
Donotmiss it
The Rio Grande do Sul State Association of Forest Industries (Ageflor) will be present at the 17th Expoagro Afubra with a stand
where visitors can obtain information on the sector. Besides Ageflor, universities, forest companies, Emater and Embrapa will also
bring their knowledge about the Forests.
Rodrigo Assmann
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