O Produtor de Tabaco é a base da cadeia produtiva.
The Tobacco Producer is the basis of the production chain.
A Parceria entre Produtor e Empresa busca melhorar o resultado e consolidar o Sistema
Integrado de Produção. O fortalecimento desta relação, aplicando as Boas Práticas Agrícolas,
visa atender as demandas do mercado.
The Partnership between Producer and Company seeks to improve the result and consolidate
the Integrated Production System.The strengthening of this relationship, applying the Good
Agricultural Practices, aims to meet the demands of the market.
Cigarros nomundo – Consumo totalmundial
Trilhões de unidades
Fonte: ITGA/Afubra
We need to pay heed to
the demands regarding
volume and type of tobacco that
is pursued by themarket so as to
dimension the tobacco crops in
accordancewith the needs, if we
want to continue competitive.”
The sectoral concern with the destination of the uses of to-
bacco is justified in light of Euromonitor International’s projec-
tion of two scenarios for the future of tobacco in theworld, and
both suggest a gradual reduction in consumption in 15 years,
which could amount to 38% in the most pessimistic variation,
or a total of 3.3 trillion pieces. The more positive estimate is
not much promising, either: judging from this hypothesis, in
2031 global demand should be down 22% from the 2016/17
season, coming to a total of 4.2 trillion cigarettes.
Besides the partial maintenance of the consumption of tra-
ditional cigarettes, increasingly suffocated by the antismoking
campaigns promoted by several governments, including the
Brazilian government, through direct restriction measures re-
garding the use or taxation, the reduction of the demand for
tobacco leaves should also result from the rising use of sub-
stitutes, like vapor cigarettes and cigarettes with different nic-
otine liberation gadgets.
“The heat-not-burn cigarette, while coming as a hope,
turns into a concern”, says Benício Albano Werner, president
of Afubra. “Based on their strategies and on industrial secrets,
the companies do not divulge the real consumption of tobac-
co in these gadgets and their refilling devices, compared to
traditional cigarettes. What we know off the record is that it re-
mains between 25% and 33%”.