Anuário Brasileiro do Tomate 2016 - page 54

It comes down to a question of putting
into practice research solutions, develop-
ment moves and vegetable innovations
that contribute towards sustainable agri-
culture on behalf of Brazilian society. This
is the mission of Embrapa Vegetables, a di-
vision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Live-
stock and Food Supply (Mapa). The re-
search unit, one of the 47 run by Embrapa,
was inaugurated 35 years ago, and gears its
efforts towards creating and offering new
cultivars to the supply chain in the Coun-
try. The infrastructure is located 40 kilo-
meters from the Pilot Plan, in Brasília (DF).
With an area of 22 thousand square
meters under roof, Embrapa Vegetables
runs laboratories, greenhouses, protect-
ed seedbeds, cool and dry chambers,
seed processing unit, library, conference
hall and restaurant. Currently, it employs
236 workers, including assistants, tech-
nicians, analysts and researchers. Joint
Productive Avant-garde
EmbrapaVegetables isareference inBrazilandabroadfor itstechnical
work is credited with the acknowledge-
ment of the unit as a center of reference
at home and abroad, for its technical and
scientific contribution and articulation
on behalf of sustainability.
According to Ítalo Guedes, deputy
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