Anuário Brasileiro da Uva 2016 - page 30

on the rise
Winegrowing is present in 10 Brazilian
states, with higher representativeness in Rio
Grande do Sul, in the Plateau region in Santa
Catarina, in Paraná, interior of São Paulo and
in theNortheast of the Country, in Vale do São
Francisco. The growthof the supply chainnev-
er stops, equally adding to the social and eco-
nomic importance of the activity, especially as
far as family farming goes. Although relying on
enterprises of medium and big size, the seg-
ment is still essentially based on small scale ag-
riculture. Only in Rio Grande do Sul, it is esti-
mated that 20 thousand families are involved
with winegrowing activities and that 95% of
the wineries are family-operated businesses.
Although there is no intensive generation
of labor, once the families themselves take
care of the cultivation, production and com-
mercialization of the products, winegrowing
plays and extremely important role, contribut-
ing towards themaintenanceof the small-scale
farmers in the rural setting. Now, according to
the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), it is es-
timated that the sector is responsible for 1%
of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Rio
Grande do Sul. In the State, the wineries ac-
count for 90%of the national production, pre-
serving historical, cultural and economic ques-
tions brought by the first Italian settlers, who
brought with them grapevine seedlings and
their culture linked to the beverage.
All over Brazil, in 2015, a total of 37.1 mil-
lion liters of fine wines were produced, along
with 210.3 million liters of table wines, 87.9
million liters of grape juice, totaling 335.3 mil-
lion liters. Compared to the previous year,
there was an increase in the entire sector, de-
spite a decrease in fine wines. In 2014, Ibravin
officials registered a total production of 307.6
million liters, of which, 38.4million liters were
fine wines, 196.1 million liters of table wines
and 73.1million liters of grape juice.
With regard to sales, in 2015 the winegrow-
ing sector in Brazil negotiated 19.7million liters
of fine wines, 207.6 million liters of table wines,
117.7 million liters of ready-to-drink grape juice
experienced an increase of 0.78%, whilst in the
vinifera wines the difference was 2.60%. The big-
gest increase was registered in sparkling wines,
11.93% over the period. The total increase in vi-
tivinicultureproducts reached6.93%.
The positive difference is also attested
by the volume of processed grapes. In Rio
Grande do Sul, leading producer, the volume
jumped from 606.1 million kilograms in 2014
to 702.9 million kilograms in the past period.
In 2015, a total of 70.4 million kilograms of vi-
nifera grapes were processed and 632.5 mil-
lion American and hybrid grapes – used for
making table wines, juices and other deriv-
atives. The total area devoted to vineyards in
2015, according to IBGE numbers, reached
79,094 hectares in Brazil, comprising grapes
for processing and for fresh consumption.
Uvas processadas pelas empresas do
Rio grande do sul (milhões de quilos)
Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin)
2014 2015
Uvas viníferas
66 70,4
Americanas e híbridas 540,1 632,5
606,1 702,9
Productive vitality
Elaboração brasileira de vinhos
(milhões de litros)
Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin)
2014 2015
Vinhos finos
38,4 37,1
Vinhos de mesa
196,1 210,3
Sucos de uva
73,1 87,9
307,6 335,3
Ibravinsources indicatethattheproductionofwines
inBrazilreached335.3millionliters in2015,witha
positivedifference inrelationtothepreviousyear
Ibravin president enologist Dirceu Scottá celebrates the commercial results achieved by the sector over the past years. The products with
the best performance are sparkling wines and 100% grape juice. “In the first case, by virtue of an excellent cost-quality relation, our market
share reaches 80%”, he explains. Grape juice, in turn, besides its good taste, has attracted a strong appeal as functional food due to its health
related benefits. The category soared 91% over the past five years. The idea is to pursue ever-more expressive results, equally for wine.
To this end, the supply chain is sparing no efforts in giving publicity to the benefits of the beverage. “People should drink more wine. First,
because it is an agrifood product. Several studies and researchworks have already attested that wine, consumedmoderately, has lots of health
benefits”, he comments. In wine, there is much more than just an alcoholic beverage. There is culture, millenary tradition, food, wisdom and
well-being”. The Ibravin itself, in partnership with the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and the Brazilian Restau-
rant Association (Abrasel), runs the Cup Quality Project, which aims to qualify restaurant and bar services.
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