Exchange rate increasing in value, although
favorable to exports, didnot result intomore
shipments abroad, nor did it inhibit imports
still shy
Despite the efforts of the entire supply
chain, wine sales have been losing ground
in the Country over the past years. In the
international scenario, our national wine-
growing business has not yet taken off, ana-
lysts say. In comparison with the other wine
producing countries, Brazil was ranked
number four in 2013, with a production of
273,100 tons of wine, according to data re-
leased by the US Department of Agriculture
(USDA). At that year, Brazil occupied the
28th position on the list of exporters and
20th on the list of importers.
In 2015, shipments amounted to U$
81.81 million, including the products of the
viticulture sector - down 8.32% from the re-
sults in 2014. With the exception of grapes,
all other items receded considerably, in
quantity and value. According to researcher
Loiva Maria Ribeiro de Melo, from Embra-
pa Grape and Wine, wine exports, includ-
ing table and fine wines, dropped 46.04%
in quantity and 60.84% in value. “Judging
from these numbers, Brazil has certainly
lost several positions on the list of global ex-
porters”, she notes.
With regard to imports, the analyst men-
Sílvio Ávila