Luís Henrique Barbosa da Silva is
from the University of Brasília (UnB)
and a Law Graduate from the Univer-
cialist in Strategic Management in Fo-
reign Trade, equally from the UnB, he
has a Master’ Degree in International
and European Economic Law from
the University of Maastricht (Unima-
as), in Holland. He worked for the Mi-
nistry of Development and Foreign
Trade. At the Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa)
he occupied the position of coordi-
nator of the Mercosur Subgroup of
Agriculture, besides his position as
coordinator of Internal Affairs at the
Mercosur Secretariat of International
Agribusiness Affairs SRI).
At the MDIC, he was a Foreign
Analyst, and occupied the position
as Brazilian delegate at the Free Tra-
de Area of the Americas (Alca) and a
member in forums at the Southern
Cone Common Market (Mercosul).
Now, in Geneva, he admits, he works
on behalf of the interests of theMinis-
try of Agriculture and the Country in
the negotiations underway with the
WTO, besides representing the in-
terests of Brazilian agribusiness in
other international forums.
unbalance to global offer and demand. This
measure can be taken whenever a country
has a serious problem in the domestic mar-
ket”. He recalls that this is the value of Bra-
zil exports to China in 2016. China’s total im-
ports reached approximately US$ 1.5 billion
in 2015, a year in which Brazilian exports
amounted toUS$ 937million.
Other measures are equally good exam-
ples. There are heavy tariffs for Brazilian sol-
uble coffee in some markets, while raw cof-
fee beans are easily exported. These are
extremely complex questions”, he argues.
In 2017, the focus is on the next WTOminis-
terial meeting, scheduled for Buenos Aires,
in Argentina. Brazil is involved in questions
like global limits for internal support from
a number of countries, limitation of subsi-
dies granted to specific products and a lim-
it to the use of financial resources for inter-
nal support regarding the export volume of
these subsidized products or the share of
these subsidized products in global exports.
“In its capacity as biggest global ex-
porter of agricultural products, clearly re-
ported to the WTO, opinions expressed
by Brazil are always respected and taken
as relevant”, he emphasizes. “We are go-
ing to work hard on behalf of the interests
of the Country and expand the chances
for our agricultural products in the global
market, as of this meeting”.