Revista AgroBrasil - 2016/2017 - page 51

Ano Valor(dólares)
2015 16.665.7934.736.346
2016 11.823.3303.747.350
2015 39.959.8786.180.842
2016 28.174.5254.252.714
Brazil is home to
about 8 thousand
flower growers and
ornamental plants
Brazil’s flower production is 96% destined for the domestic market. Now, the Country only exports seedlings and bulbs, whilst
shipments of cut flowers have suffered huge reductions, mainly due to high costs, unfavorable exchange rate and the more de-
manding national market. “With the global crisis in 2008, global exports of flowers and ornamental plants fell considerably. None-
theless, over the past two years we have seen amarket that is gradually getting back on track”, says Ibraflor president Kees Schoen-
maker. He believes that Brazil’s huge export potential should be explored.
The leading buying markets, in value and volume, are Holland, Colombia, Ecuador, Kenia and Ethiopia, which produce 85% of
the flowers exported in the world. The United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, Holland and France import 85% of the flowers
traded throughout the world. In South America, the leading exporter is Colombia, followed by Ecuador. Brazil is the biggest mar-
ket, although imports are negligible, less than 2% of its total consumption. “Imported flowers are a complement for the national
flowers, but are expensive and are not as fresh as ours”, argues Schoenmaker.
Sílvio Ávila
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