Revista AgroBrasil - 2016/2017 - page 99

Themost expressive growth in exports was registered in
sales to China, leading global producer and consumer, and
climbed to thepositionas thirdbiggest destination, coming
immediately after Russia and Hong Kong, the main Brazil-
ian pigmeat markets. In 2015, the Asian giant occupied the
11thpositionand started increasing its imports after adras-
tic reduction in domestic production, for environmental
matters, according to data furnished by CNA. In 2017, when
ABPA officials are projecting pork exports to grow further
(up to 5%), there is expectation formore industrial plants to
meet the provisions of the Chinese Food Safety Law, while
equally working their way into the markets of South Korea
andMexico (Trump effect), and South Africa.
Before 2017 comes to a close, ABPA officials believe
in a possible economic recovery in consumption, reach-
ing levels similar to 2015, whilst the production of pork is
supposed to continue going up 2%, with lower production
costs. Over the next years, a trend expressed by several or-
gans is that the sector will keep evolving, mainly sustained
by exports. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food
Supply (Mapa) projects an increase of 31.3% in production
by 2026, 29.4% in consumption and 43.1% in exports. The
São Paulo State Federation of Industries, in turn, antici-
pates a similar rate in the productive plan, but has it that in-
ternal sales will evolve 23%, and external sales, up to 75%.
Pig farming was caught amid higher production costs
and the economic crisis that affected consumption
from 30-percent higher average produc-
tion costs, compared to 2015, in the pro-
duction hubs in the southern region, in a
year when corn prices soared 55%, com-
mented officials from the Brazilian Con-
federation of Agriculture and Livestock
(CAN), in their yearly balance report.
The crisis did not get worse because the
market kept prices high, said entity offi-
cials, mentioning the soaring exports for
balancing offer and demand amid a de-
cline in the domestic market, as well as
the soaring value of bovine meat, which
is seen as a reference in the market. Any-
way, according to ABPA sources, domes-
tic supply dropped 3.5% and per capita
consumption, 4.9%.
In spite of declining domestic supply,
stimulus from rising exports led to an ex-
pansion in production, insisted Francis-
co Turra, executive president at ABPA, in
early September. From January through
November 2016, from data furnished by
the association, shipments were up 34%
from the same period in the previous year.
At the close of the year, a 30-percent in-
crease was estimated, with export vol-
umes reaching a record high of 720 thou-
sand tons, whilst revenue was supposed
to soar 13%, to US$ 1.444 billion.
2015 2016*
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