Revista AgroBrasil 2017-2018 - page 30

A rising
Poultry farming inBrazil has come to a close in
2017with a productionof 13.056million tons,
performance up 1.2 percent fromthe previous year
The production of eggs in Brazil should come to a total of 39.9 bil-
lion units in 2017, amount that is up 1.8 percent fromthe production
of the sector in 2016, when 39.18 billion units were produced. “With
such a performance, per capita consumption should come to year’s
endwith 192 units, up 1 percent fromthe consumptionof 190 units in
the previous year”, clarifies the president of the Brazilian Association
of Animal Protein (ABPA), Francisco Turra.
According to entity estimates, the production of eggs in 2018
should be up 5 to 6 percent from the total in 2017. Egg exports should
come to a total of 5.834 thousand tons (- 44%), and revenue of US$ 8.1
million (-42.5%). For 2018, the expectation that the newly conquered
South Africanmarket could have a positive impact on shipments.
he expectation of the Brazil-
ian Association of Animal Pro-
tein (ABPA) is that the produc-
tion of broilers in Brazil has
reached 13.056 million tons
in 2017, up 1.2 percent from 2016, when
12.9 million tons were produced. “With
such a performance, per capita consump-
tion should come to year’s end at 43 kilo-
grams, up 1.8 percent from the previous
year, of 41.1 kilograms per capita, ana-
lyzes ABPA president Francisco Turra. For
2018, the official stresses that, according
to the entity’s estimates, broiler produc-
tion should exceed by 2 to 4 percent the
volume produced in 2017.
Determining factors for this growth,
in his opinion, include the resumption
of the economy and the expectation
for keeping production costs close to
the present levels. “The domestic mar-
ket in Brazil has conquered back part
of the consumption levels lost over the
past two years, as a direct impact from
the economic crisis experienced by the
Country. The scenario of optimism over
the past months is also a reality when it
comes to the consumption of animal pro-
tein”, he says. He also emphasizes that the
balanced corn and soybean prices, with a
large supply of inputs, provided the pro-
ductive sector with a more persistent in-
ternational competitive edge over the year.
With regard to exports, Turra reveals
that broiler shipments amounted to a total
of 325.4 thousand tons inNovember (-0,8%
fromNovember 2016). “Therefore, the sec-
tor brought in revenue of US$ 557.8 mil-
lion (+5.6%). Over the entire year (January
through November), shipments amounted
to 3.999 thousand tons (-0.56%), with rev-
enue of US$ 6.712 billion (+7%).” The fore-
cast is for the sector to come to the end
of 2017 with 320 thousand tons of chick-
en meat exported by December, finish-
ing the year with shipments of 4.32 million
tons (-1.2%) and revenue of US$ 7.2 billion
(+6%). For 2018, the expectation is for the
volume to go up from1 to 3 percent.
In 2018 what is equally expected is the
recovery of the shipment levels to the Eu-
ropean Union, to important markets in the
Middle East and China, and the opening of
the market in Taiwan, El Salvador and Do-
minican Republic. The supply chain equal-
ly projects the materialization of the Mer-
cosur – European Union Agreement and
that the qualification of new plants for Chi-
na may have an influence on the perfor-
mance in 2018”. The effects of the victory
of the panel in the World Trade Organiza-
tion (WTO) against Indonesia will only be
detected in 2019, but could be sensed in
2018”, says the president of the ABPA. Now,
the sector intends to begin negotiations
again for opening themarket of Nigeria.
Inor Ag. Assmann
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