he use of certified seed geared
towards higher efficiency con-
ditions of rice fields, which in-
crease productivity, resistances
and even define specific com-
mercial characteristics, could make the dif-
ferencebetweenprofit and loss inagrowing
season. In order to reinforce the portfolio of
technologies available to the rice farmers in
South Brazil, whilst facilitating the choice
and meeting the demands of the sector,
the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corpo-
ration (Embrapa) and the Santa Catarina
State Agriculture Research Company (Ep-
agri) launched new cultivars which will be
available in the market in the coming grow-
ing season.
In general, the new varieties try to fulfill
able nowadays, adding gains in tolerance or
resistance to all major diseases, herbicides,
pests, adaptability to regional climate con-
ditions, higher productivity, better perfor-
mance in the mill and behavior in the cook-
ing pan. “There is no use investing 10, 12
years in the development of plants that are
excellent from an agronomic point of view
but rejectedby theconsumers” summarizes
Maurício Fischer, director of the Rio Grande
do Sul Rice Institute (Irga). “The plantsmust
contain desirable traits throughout the en-
tire supply chain, fromagronomic, econom-
ic, industrial and sensorial points of view”.
Epagri is also interested in making up
for lost time. The cultivars from Argentina
and Rio Grande do Sul came to predomi-
nate in Santa Catarina, with changes of the
cultivation system in this State – which up
to the past decade was 100% pre-germi-
nated – and the loss of scientists and in-
vestments in the programs of the compa-
ny. Up until 2007, Santa Catarina had the
highest average productivity in Brazil, but
the performance of the fields came to a
standstill. Now, little by little, the company
is adjusting to the new times.
The investment in genetic enhancement
is not only present in public institutions. Ri-
Inor Ag. Assmann