The South region is still the main sup-
plier of broilers in Brazil. The three states
in the region accounted for 60% of all the
chickens slaughtered in 2015, according
to data released by the Brazilian Associa-
tion of Animal Protein (ABPA). At exports,
the share amounted to 76.66%. Other 14
states are equally responsible for the pro-
duction of broilers and other types of
birds, according to the Federal Inspection
Service (SIF), of the Ministry of Agricul-
ture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa).
In 2015, the share of the states of
Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande
do Sul in the production of chicken meat
reached 32.46%, 16.24% and 14.13%, re-
The three states
in South Brazil
accounted for
upwards of 60%of the
entire chickenmeat
volume and for 76.66%
of exports in 2015
The predominance
of the
Sílvio Ávila