Anuário Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2017 - page 24

ruits produced in Brazil supply
consumers of about 100 countries
in the world. The total number of
nations that import fresh, dried,
and prepared fruits amounted to
95 in 2016, against 103 in the previous year,
according to the Agrostat System, of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food
Supply (Mapa). The European Union, com-
prising 28 countries, continues as the main
destination of our national fruits. These Eu-
ropean countries import 623,516 thousand
tons worth US$ 572.956 million, including
3.726 thousand tons of nuts and chestnuts
worthUS$ 29,608million, in 2016.
In value, the fruits most shipped to Eu-
rope were melons (US$ 143.509 million),
mangoes (US$ 137.794 million), lemons
and limes (US$ 81.919million). Thepackage
also included grapes, papayas, watermel-
ons and apples, among other fruits. Consid-
eredas promisingby the national exporters,
Holland, the
United States
and the United
Kingdom account
for the biggest
fruit, Holland (or Netherlands) continue reg-
istering the biggest purchases. In 2016, the
Dutch purchased fruit worth US$ 269.269
millionand299.079 thousand tons. Invalue,
mangoes were the leading fruits purchased
by Holland, totaling US$ 70.761 million, fol-
lowed by melons (US$ 64.088 million), lem-
ons and limes (US$ 56.539 million), grapes
(US$ 32.374 million) and watermelons (US$
15.184 million). In comparison to 2015, be-
sides Holland, other relevant importers in-
clude Portugal, Canada, Argentina, France
One of the preferred markets by the na-
tional fruit producers, the United States im-
ported less in 2016, but jumped to the sec-
ond place in value, outstripping the United
Kingdom, which dropped to the third posi-
tion. Shipments amounted to US$ 131.12
million and 53.975 thousand tons. Themain
items acquired by the United States were
nuts and chestnuts (US$ 73.867 million and
(US$ 29.036 million and 28.190 thousand
tons), fruit preserves and preparations (US$
21.184million and 9.954 thousand tons).
Portugal purchased US$ 34.175 mil-
lion and 33.16 thousand tons, against US$
26.537 million and 24.324 thousand tons in
2015. Mangoes led shipments to Portugal in
2016, equivalent to US$ 14.494 million and
10.558 thousand tons. The second biggest
revenue came frompapayas (US$ 8.140mil-
lion and 6.982 thousand tons) and the third
was oranges (US$ 3.422 million and 8.467
thousand tons.
and17.129 thousand tons in2016. Themost
purchased fruits were lemons and limes
(US$6.075million), nuts andchestnuts (US$
5.681 million), grapes (US$ 4.118 million)
andmelons (US$ 2.205million).
The Middle East is the destination for a
huge portion of the production of the As-
sociation of Lemon Producers and other
fruit of the Jaíba Region (Aslim), in Minas
Gerais, since late 2013. Now, the fruits pro-
duced in the region are sold to distributors
in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bah-
rain, Saudi Arabia and Oman. Foreign sales
of lemons are conducted by two tradings,
says Randolfo Diniz Rabelo, president of As-
lim. Arabian people prefer tiny little lemons.
The Association traded 10,366 tons of lem-
ons in2015, of which35%were exported. Of
this percentage, 12%were exported to Arab
Of the 10 major importers of Brazilian
Exportaçãode frutas frescas, secas e conservas e preparados,
incluindonozes e castanhas, por país de destino
10 buyers
Valor Volume
Valor Volume
(US$ Fob)
(US$ Fob)
Países Baixos (Holanda)
267.351.627 304.708.740 269.269.788 299.079.698
Estados Unidos
141.390.898 58.835.214 133.992.537 53.975.914
142.982.005 133.218.291 131.120.987 136.814.095
72.749.989 97.200.478
69.233.375 88.454.138
26.537.257 24.324.307
34.175.358 33.160.006
25.542.254 15.911.640
25.473.568 17.393.207
22.054.351 11.217.455
22.369.729 10.729.846
19.574.177 30.481.310
19.688.983 28.232.507
14.164.208 13.276.569
14.833.418 12.816.251
14.140.928 40.011.633
14.458.860 31.591.521
Sub-total (10 países)
746.487.694 729.185.637 734.616.603 712.247.183
888.805.547 854.805.547 852.038.093 814.589.613
1...,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,...92
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