Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 87

communities, regardless of where the school is located.
“Staying on the farm turns out to be a collective process,
with EFA’s relevant participation and the same holds true
for whatever their learned at the school”, he notes. “A lot
depends on the parents, on their consent in allowing the
children to practice family farming, in a relationshipwhere
the young people have the right to take decisions, to have
access to the information on the farm and, of course, earn
income for constructing their own course”, he argues.
In Costa’s view, monitor of the Human and Social Sci-
ences area, succession also goes through the quality of
life on the farm, like infrastructure, technology and qual-
ity education. “Public authorities (municipal, state and
federal) depend on family farming as a strategic devel-
opment, which, in most cases, is not the case, with an
urban agenda always prevailing, where the bulk of the
population of the Country is concentrated”, he says. He
strengthens that, for a series of factors to be considered,
the problemrequires further study and debate, especial-
ly when one third of the family farms no longer offer any
perspective for succession.
In Rio Grande do Sul, 244 students attend EFA schools
Inor Ag. Assmann
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