Up to August 2016, according to Sindiavipar sources, Paraná slaughtered 1.19 billion
chicken, up 8.8% from the same period in 2014. During these months, exports amounted
to 1.07 million tons, up 8.7% from the amount shipped in the same eight months in 2014,
according to data released by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), linked to the Mi-
nistry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC).
In the view of Sindiavipar president Domingos Martins Brazil equally needs to trans-
form the logistics and roads that are needed by the poultry farming business. “Day after
day, our transportation needs, whether by road, rail or waterways are increasing in volu-
me. To meet these needs, we need improvements, especially where there are bottlene-
cks”, he notes.
spectively, according to ABPA sources. With
regard to exports, Paraná’s share reached
35.7%; Santa Catarina, with 23.3%; and Rio
Grande do Sul, with 17.66%. The follow-
ing contributions came from the states in
the Southeast, with São Paulo accounting
for 9.22% of the production and 6.2% in ex-
ports; and Minas Gerais, with 7.25% of the
supply and 4.67% of the shipments. Other
states that are of note in production and
exports of broliers are Goiás, Mato Grosso
and Mato Grosso do Sul, all located in the
Center-West. The states of this region are
also big producers of corn and soybean,
greatly benefiting poultry farming.
Among the Brazilian states, Paraná
is the biggest producer and exporter of
broilers. In that state, 1.705 billion birds
were slaughtered in 2015, of which, 1.685
billion were chickens, according to the
Paraná State Union of Bird Products Indus-
tries (Sindiavipar). The number of birds
slaughtered in 2015 was up 7% from 2014.
In Brazil, 5.393 billion birds were slaugh-
tered, exceeding the number of 5.222 bil-
lion birds slaughtered in 2014.
“Despite the increase, the State slaugh-
tered fewer birds compared to previous
years, when the sector was on a “Chinese”
production and sales rhythm, but, by and
large, it was a good result “, says Domin-
gos Martins, president of the Sindiavipar. Al-
though the market has been consolidated,
Martins has it that there is still room for fur-
ther increases in production, once, in spite
of the crisis, the consumption of broilers
continues on a steady rhythm.
Paraná shipped abroad 1.48 million tons
of broilers in 2015, up 15.6%. The result at-
tests that the internal crisis did not affect con-
sumption that has extended beyond the fron-
tiers. “Poultry farming in Paraná made strides
in foreign sales and attracted new markets.
With competence and appropriate planning
it will be possible to continue on a rising
trend”, he analyzes. He estimates that within
five to seven years the State will account for
50% of all broiler exports by Brazil.
Fornecedores externos
External suppliers
Exportação de carne de
frango por estado
% 2014 % 2015
32,21 35,7
Santa Catarina
24,45 23,30
Rio Grande do Sul
18,35 17,66
São Paulo
6,34 6,20
Minas Gerais
4,74 4,67
4,45 4,80
Mato Grosso
2,94 2,35
Mato Grosso do Sul
4,25 4,02
Distrito Federal
2,05 1,69
0,03 0,02
0,13 0,14
0,0005 0,0004
0,003 0,02
Espírito Santo
0,03 0,04
0,01 0,001
0,02 0,01
Mapa/Elaboração: ABPA.
Vocação avícola
Aviculture vocation
% 2014 % 2015
32,26 32,46
Santa Catarina
16,96 16,24
Rio Grande do Sul
14,24 14,13
São Paulo
10,61 9,22
Minas Gerais
7,12 7,25
6,50 7,22
Mato Grosso
4,4 4,51
Mato Grosso do Sul
3,09 3,22
Distrito Federal
1,46 1,67
0,79 0,81
0,74 0,74
0,16 0,80
0,38 0,50
Espírito Santo
0,52 0,50
0,43 0,42
0,21 0,23
0,13 0,10
Mapa/Elaboração: ABPA.