Anuário Brasileiro do Café 2017 - page 21

Future decade
The next Brazilian coffee crops should exceed the volume of 2017, according to the study “Outlook Fiesp 2026 – projections
for Brazilian Agribusiness “, published by the São Paulo State Federation of Industries (Fiesp). From 2016 to 2026, coffee produc-
tion in Brazil should soar 26%, totaling 62.4 million sacks in the last year of the decade. On the other hand, the planted area,
about 2 million hectares, is supposed to suffer a reduction of 1%. The bigger volume is supposed to stem from the 28-percent in-
crease in productivity, representing an average of upwards of 30 sacks of coffee per hectare. Likewise, in the intermission in ques-
tion, Brazilian coffee consumption is expected to rise almost 25 million sacks, equivalent to a 20-percent bigger volume. Exports
are projected to reach 45 million sacks, representing an increase of 30%.
Conab is an organ that has been keeping a close watch on the Brazilian coffee
crop since 2001. Information comes from farmers, cooperatives and other agents
involved in coffee farming. Four estimates are released over the year, the first in
January, the second in May, the third in September and the last one in Decem-
ber. With the exception of the last one, all others refer to information obtained in
the month that comes prior to the publication. In December, when information
is gathered, the coffee plantation is in its post-blossoming stage, one of the most
important for the crop. At this time, favorable climate conditions and best agri-
cultural practices are an assurance of uniform and good quality beans. In the oth-
er months that are monitored it is harvest time, extending from March to Octo-
ber, but is concentrated between May and August.
on-year of its biennial cycle, which will re-
flect in superior averages.
From2001 to 2013, the difference in pro-
ductivity between the on and off years of
the biennial cycles decreased, mainly due
to modern management practices and im-
proved technology package. The bienni-
al cycle is, therefore, a typical characteristic
of the coffee plants. However, a climate ad-
versity couldalter thebiennial cycle, as it oc-
curred in 2014, in which, although being an
on-year, theprolongeddroughtwas respon-
sibility for lower productivity levels com-
pared to the previous year.
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