The picture shows smaller offer (pro-
duction and stocks) and challenges Brazil ,
leading global exporter of orange juice, to
supply the market, where the Country ac-
counts for more than 70 percent of the to-
tal and to which destines 97 percent of the
entire production. The expectation is for
the 2016/17 season, still with 351 thousand
tons sitting in the stocks and sustaining all
major markets, it is possible to keep the
numbers close to the past crop, which suf-
fered a reduction of 5 percent in shipments
abroad. For the coming season, stocks are
estimated to remain close to zero, which
raises the expectations of the sector.
Total Brazilian exports of the segment
in the 2015/16 period, from June to July,
every year, registered a reduction of 5 per-
cent in weight and 14.6 percent in reve-
nue. The volume of frozen juice concen-
trate (FJC) dropped a little more (7.9%),
while non-frozen juice concentrate, also
identified as pasteurized and fresh, soared
7.8 percent. “It is a trend that is ascer-
tained, in view of its more natural palate,
pleasing to consumer”, observes Ibiapaba
Netto, executive director of the National
Association of Citrus Exporters (CitrusBR).
The drop in total sales, according to the
official, occurred mainly because of reduc-
tions (19% in volume and 27% in revenue)
in imports by the United States, second big-
gest buyer of the Brazilian product. The ex-
planation is supposed to lie in the anticipa-
World’s leading
exporter of orange
juice, Brazil expects to
offer smaller quantities
and keep foreign sales
close to past crop
Inor Ag. Assmann