Revista AgroBrasil 2017-2018 - page 76

In the
Sectorof planted forests inBrazil sets an example
forother countries for its productivity,
smaller rotation and for its sustainable actions
razilian silviculture is trying
to expand its competitiveness
and increase the productiv-
ity of its forests. The compa-
nies of the sector are strongly
engaged in productive processes that in-
volve Research and Development (P&D),
whether in the forestry basis or in indus-
try innovation. “For all this, the Brazilian
planted forests industry has become a
global benchmark, as it boasts the high-
est productivity rates of the sector, the
biggest volume of timber produced per
area a year and the smallest rotation, peri-
od that extends from tree planting to har-
vest”, explains Elizabeth de Carvalhaes,
executive president of the Brazilian Plant-
ed Forests Industry (Ibá).
Sílvio Ávila
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