Inor Ag. Assmann
The bean is a favorite with Brazilian peo-
ple and, along with rice, it is the duo that en-
joys national preference. To meet the produc-
tion needs of the cereal, even before the fields
are seeded, the seed sector works tirelessly. So
much so that nowBrazil is self-sufficient in the
production of bean seed, especially, of the ca-
rioca type, the variety the population prefers.
As this cultivar is practically only consumed in
the Country, exports are still negligible.
According to the market manager at Em-
brapa Products and Markets, Alessandro
Cruvinel, currently there are some buyers
of Brazilian bean seed in Venezuela and in
some countries in Africa, but still on a trial
basis, for adaptability tests. Whilst pursuing
new commercial frontiers, the supply chain
is facing some problems in the domesticmar-
ket, like the challenge of creating new culti-
vars, more resistant to diseases.
The lowpercentage of the use of the seeds
is just one more obstacle faced by the seed
sector, once this niche is still dominated by
farm saved seed. “Little by little, with intensive
awareness work, we are surmounting this hur-
dle, which harms all the links of the sector”,
he argues. The percentage of bean seed use in
the national territory remains at 8%, in a not-
so-distant past it was only 10%.
The commercial manager of Semen-
tes Marambaia, Chayene Cynthia Nunes
Ferreira, adds that the market is on a ris-
ing trend and, in the meantime, is trying to
convince the farmers that there is need to
in Brazil is on a rising
trend and, in the
meantime, tries to
make the growers
aware of the need
to opt for seed of
acknowledged origin
For a good
Land of bean
The production numbers released by the Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings
(Abrasem), in its 2015 yearbook, demonstrate that Brazil produced 32,586 tons of bean
seed in the 2014/15 growing season, on 3 million hectares, and with a seed use rate of
19%. In the 2013/14 period, the volume amounted to 26,330 tons. The production of
Caupi bean seed reached 948 tons in 2015 and 864 in the previous season.
The Brazilian states engaged in the production of bean seed are as follows: Bahia,
Ceará, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Pará, Pernambuco,
Paraná, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. In the
2014/15 growing season, the three biggest producers were Goiás (7,840 tons), Minas
Gerais (5,691 tons) and Paraná (5,676 tons).
opt for seed with an acknowledged origin.
“The reflections come in the form of higher
productivity levels. The plants are vigorous,
well-developed and uniform, advantages
that pirated seeds do not offer. These traits
compensate for the big investments, in light
of better harvest results”, he ponders.
The company, based in Rio Verde (GO),
was founded in 2004, and is exclusively
engaged in the bean seed market. On av-
erage, 3 million kilograms of bean seed a
year are produced, absorbed by about one
thousand clients all over Brazil. According
to Chayene, Sementes Marambaia produc-
es the BRS MG Madre Pérola, whose differ-
ential is the pigment that never darkens. “It
is the only variety that generates kernels
that withstand longer warehousing periods,
without losing their value “, she stresses.
Produção brasileira de feijão
(mil toneladas)
2013/14 2014/15
Distrito Federal
934 1.405
2.389 7.840
Minas Gerais
4.916 5.691
Mato Grosso
1.355 2.500
– 107
8.500 5.676
Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do Sul
1.065 1.669
Santa Catarina
3.599 2.559
São Paulo
3.122 4.956
27.194 33.534
Sistema de Gestão e Fiscalização (Sigef)/
Mapa; Abrasem