Anuário Brasileiro de Sementes 2016 - page 50-51

Inor Ag. Assmann
Olhar mundial
A legislação brasileira é bastante semelhante com a de outros
países, cumprindo regras básicas internacionais. Essa distinção
faz com que o País esteja em vias de obter o reconhecimento da
União Europeia como um sistema de certificação equivalente ao
deles. “A grande diferença é que no Brasil deixamos o produtor
ter mais responsabilidade pela produção, enquanto na maioria
dos países do mundo a certificação da produção é feita por um
organismo governamental”, esclarece o diretor do Departamento
de Fiscalização de Insumos Agrícolas do Ministério da
Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa), Andre Felipe
Carrapatoso Peralta da Silva.
Currently, seed piracy is one of the big-
gest problems faced by the Brazilian sup-
ply chain. In an attempt to fight the prob-
lem, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Food Supply (Mapa) is sparing no ef-
forts in keeping a close watch over the
seed trade in the entire national territory.
About 18 thousand inspections are con-
ducted on a yearly basis. Most of them are
devoted to inspecting the farmers that use
the seeds, normally based on complaints
Global watch
Brazilian legislation is similar to legislations of other countries,
complyingwith basic international regulations. This distinction is
responsible for the Country’s great chances towin the recognition of
the European Union as a certification systemequivalent to the one in
force in Europe. “The big difference is that in Brazil the producers are
responsible for their production, whilst inmost countries in the world
production certification is carried out by a government organism”,
clarifies the director of the Agricultural Inputs Inspection Department
of theMinistry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa)
Andre Felipe Carrapatoso Peralta da Silva.
tofightthe illicit
Biotechnology safety
Legislation that regulates biotechnology in Brazil is one of the most complete and strictest among the countries that adopt
biotechnology in agriculture: Biosafety Law (nº 11.105/2005). The accepted standard that ensures the return of the investments
made by the companies is the Industrial Property Law (nº 9.279/1996), also viewed as fundamental for creating a safe environment
for investors, complying with international trade agreements shared by Brazil.
“The Brazilian biotechnology regulatory framework is considered, even by other countries, as one of the most modern and
functional, with little or no political interference in the approval rites of transgenic technologies”, comments Céleres Consultancy
business analyst Jorge Attie. According to his argument, the consequence is that the approval rhythm of the Brazilian transgenic
events is one of the fastest in the world. “And all this is based on well-defined and accepted technical and scientific criteria, not
only locally, but by all major consumers of the Brazilian agricultural products in the international marketplace”, he notes.
Cada máquina e todo projeto desenvolvido pela Selgron têm como
prioridades a excelência, a segurança alimentar e a otimização da
produtividade. Essa soma inteligente de experiência e tecnologia
multiplica a sua confiança na nossa capacidade de inovar e
agregar mais valor a sua marca e qualidade ao seu produto.
Tecnologia que agrega valor ao seu produto.
received by the Ministry’s Ombudsman.
“When it comes to trading material des-
tined for their ownuse, which is not allowedby
Law, and if the cultivar is protected, the holder
of the protection rights is entitled to a copy of
the result of the enquiry and seek judicial recov-
ery, once theMapa only punishes infringers ad-
ministratively” explains agronomist Andre Feli-
pe Carrapatoso Peralta da Silva, director of the
Farm Inputs Inspection Department, in charge
of inspecting seeds and seedlings.
The trend is for farmers who trade seeds
destined for their own use to be punished
like seed producers without the National
Register for Seeds and Seedlings (Renasem),
which implies in much more severe penal-
ties. For a fairer seed market and trade in the
Country, the federal agricultural inspector
says that, to begin with, the seed must be of
good quality. “If the farmer manages to save
seed that matches the quality of the seed sup-
plied by seed producers, there is no need to
buy seed from other sources”, he ponders.
Another indispensable question, accord-
ing to Peralta, is the need to effectively fight
the production of illicit seed, either seed
produced by regular farmers or seed pro-
duced illegally by farmers registered in the
Renasem: seed that comes from non-regis-
tered fields, not supervised by a technician
and without an acknowledgeable origin,
among other factors.
Brazilian legislation that now regulates
the sector is Lawnº 10.711/2003 and its Reg-
ulation approved by Decree nº 5.153/2004,
Normative Instruction n.º 09/2005, which
sets forth the general rules for the produc-
tion and trade of seeds of different species.
“Unfortunately, Brazilian legislation tends
to be very strict. Experience shows us that,
if no severe punishment is applied, it is not
possible to fulfill the role of guaranteeing
the identity and quality of the seeds pro-
duced”, he observes. On the other hand,
knowledgeable of well-defined rules, inter-
ested parties feel safer in their activities”.
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