fter two consecutive years of
decline in production, milk
supply in 2017 went up again
throughout the Country, how-
ever, consumption still de-
pressed by the buying power did not keep
pace, with reflections on the prices fetched
by the sector, with a significant decline in
the second half of the year. From June to
November, the Center for Applied Studies
onAdvancedEconomics (Cepea), of the Luiz
de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq), a
divisionof theUniversityof SãoPaulo (USP),
detected a 22.1-percent drop in average
prices practiced in Brazil, ascertained in all
major milk producing states (Minas Gerais,
Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina,
São Paulo, Goiás andBahia).
The bucket has
Milk consumption in 2017 has not kept pacewith the
recovery of production, a fact that affected
the profits of the sector and the perspectives for 2018
Inor Ag. Assmann